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To proclaim oneself emperor Zhao Kai .Therefore,cheap dr dre beats, several people at once together discuss, decided it by no longer tube Jiankang mansion of the situation, the prince must immediately succeeded in name ,to be right and proper pressure Zhao Kai ,led the big song remaining place against the Jin army .
relationresultSo few people jointly to Zhao structure on the table ,request Zhao Gou Xiazhao ,by the prince succeeded to the throne as emperor .And by Chen Junqing when Zhao Gou clarify the situation .
Zhao Gou understand the present situation ,also know not delayed ,immediately the etheric emperor under the name of Chao ,let the prince Zhao Dun to inherit the throne .But according to etiquette ,the prince shall be three words ,we can accept the throne .
These transitions do go after Prince Zhao Dun becomes king ,finally agreed ,and in eight years ( 1172) dry enthronement ceremony held in November 15th .Just when attacking Longxing Palace Wanyan long also returned soldiers ,and Yang Yan to the very smoothly to the health office Song Jun knocked back ,finally to Prince Edward was added some happy news .
relationresultBut the prince became king ,Guangdong and Guangxi ,edict issued only two lakes West Beijing ,South West of .Because the court can determine where the convey Dahir only six road ,Fujian to Zhao Kai was occupied ,and Sichuan is too far away, the message is, I do not know how the situation ,thus only the first emperor ,then notice .
Lake near local officials rushed to the lake ,Kyoka Taeko succeeded to the throne ,the distance is not to drive also sent a messenger .Even Zhao Chen Zhao Qianru was also received the state of lake .
Yang Yan is in the fourteen days before reaching the lake ,finally caught up with the prince in the reign of days ,even to the altar also early has been built .relationresultThe lake after Yang Yancai ,Yang Yi and Zhao Qianru learned from prince to imperial Shimoyuanyou .
Yang Yan Prince and not too deep impression on Zhao Kai ,but is no good, by contrast ,still can accept the prince succeeded him ,and Yang Yan also know Tianwuerri ,people have no two the word of the Lord, to the prince to became the heart to understand .
relationresultThe very next day ,gathered in the lake civil and military ministers ,as well as the children gathered in Hunan et al waterside to stage, each according to the train station ,cheap beats by dre.
He ordered table is divided into three layers ,high total of two feet long ,six feet six feet ,take six six numbers ,each eight feet wide foot, take nine nine numbers .The stage is civil Qingshi mixed together ,in a short period of 10 days ,can build on this scale is not easy to stand, to .
And each layer are inserted with colored flag, the steps are covered with red carpet ,the soldiers ,and the ladies to wear clothes ,Cai E ,who still plays drums on both sides .Bell and drum Qiming, Roxy continuously ,also very lively .
relationresultYang Yan looks gave a slight frown ,emperor is an important matter of course ,but the altar was only one form ,now they so extravagant, if in Taiping period to either ,but it is very time ,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com,shall all simple is ,is really too much .
relationresultThe time has come to put the altar ,Prince Zhao Dun immediately ordered, to worship heaven and earth ,Zhaogao fathers ,and then by Zhao Gou himself for his coronation ,wearing robes ,sat on the throne .
Under the stage the ministers ,the imperial clan ,the soldiers fell prostrate in worship ,to the table top by Zhao Dunsan called long live ,he finally come to the end of the ceremony .
relationresultNext, the ministers are surrounded by the new emperor Zhao Dun back to the temporary line ,Zhao decree ,the first lake state to heaven palace ,as a temporary line in ,Li Li Fei for the queen .
Vertical section of Yanzhu imperial concubine ,Overlord gave an official surnamed Huang lady-in-waiting to Zhao Dun ,is also a living side by side for the royal .Zhao Yueru and Zhao Qianru also go up a level ,be by Princess princess .
Zhao Chennai letter to king .And the first emperor Zhao Shen to confer Chul, Emperor Kotake Narita ,model making .And to beat the Golden Army ,again for the making of mourning .relationresultLetter of imperial clan after finished ,and then is sealed all civil and military officials ,several ruling Minister remained unchanged ,or Chen Junqing ,left ,right down to the beam line emitter same Zhongshumenxia flat Zhangshi ,and resealed Chen Junqing less division ,grant Jue Wei Gong Fu ,beam line less ,give Jazz instrument country fair ,Han Yanzhi the Privy seal made ,Prince Taishi ,given the grand Yicheng County Public founding .
In history ,Long Dayuan Ho ��֪����,each seal Tai Zi Shao Bao ,hung sik ,Liu Gong as the deputy make .relationresultThe leaves his Li Bu Shang ,once Tik as ministers ,Zhou sunflower for libushangshu ,Hu Quan as bingbushangshu ,Fan Chengda as Shang Xing Bu ,Wang Yingchen as the book of history and industry .
Chen Lianghan ,Gong Maoliang to royalshi Zhong ة ,said Zhang for the book signing of the Privy Council ,a Junzhi son Zhang Shi left for right and Hanlin degree and so on ,other officials ,each with one stage .
In this way ,the temporary imperial institutions have also set up basically, song administration finally can normal running ,this is for the government ,it is very necessary .relationresultThe natural question is when Wu Jin-jun nanqin .
Letter of appreciation has finished, Zhao Dun immediately called a few government minister ,discuss how to resist the attack .Long Dayuan first proposed ,now with Jin and ,two Huai ,two Zhejiang to cleanse the Jin army occupation ,might as well have ceded to Jin ,as the conditions and .
relationresultBut immediately by Chen Junqing ,Han Yanzhi ,Liu Gong et al Chen Junqing even bring out the first emperor Zhao Shenlai ,claiming : first emperor always advocated against Jin ,Jin invasion during, do not hesitate to defend the state, nor with the and the ,now is cold ,his majesty how illegal Xiandi meaning, on the with the reopening and ? , relationresultThe top hat is really very badly, big song always flaunt govern by filial piety ,regardless of Zhao Shen approach is right or wrong ,but is now dead as in any case ,is not easily change .
Chen Junqing said that, even the dragon Yuan can refute .Http:/// , relationresultEleven the new king ascended the throne in 3 , relationresultHan Yanzhi alsosaid: Your Majesty ,the ancients had a journey into ZTE ,Jin Huai ,although accounting for two two in place, but not yet stable based ,and now my song is ten road ,the most in two million people united as one man ,soldier ,army ,life ,why worry about lost territory cannot recover ,not all Ling ,how can the deserts .
Days on my song , love of a country ?If again and Jin and ,two Huai ,two Zhejiang as waste ,not only in the song is lost ,and will hurt the world a person of noble aspirations of the heart, not out of ten years ,the great song is also not far from subjugation .
, relationresultEvenadvocated and Jin and the beam line ,hung sik also thinks ,to current situation ,if the and ,two Huai ,two Zhejiang to leave and Jin ,but he gives the stability of these local time ,but in two ,two Jin Huai Zhe to stand indeed ,big song will perish .
relationresultZhao Dunafter listening, also immediately said ,not in gold and .relationresultThenanother political history Hao : sire, now and the ground is too close to the Golden Army ,nor safe .
Sichuan called the land of abundance ,and rich ,and the terrain Xianyao ,easily defensible ,I thought your majesty when lucky Sichuan Chengdu office building frame ,the other in that fundamental departure ,recovery .
, relationresultHan Yanzhi immediatelyretorted : Sichuan although abundant, but off to one side, to the over all global ,command and control .And the road is hard, though easily defensible ,but also inconvenient military .
And since ancient times ,and Sichuan not in the world .And the heaven palace is located in negotiation pass ,terraqueous two ,lead in all directions ,is the recovery of root . , relationresultLiu Gong alsosaid: now the day near the house around is force of no less than two hundred thousand, greater song elite troops will do in this, can we say is not safe .
Your majesty if lucky frame Sichuan ,troops would be less ,your majesty ,his many, and two lakes empty armed forces ,and how to resist the golden army .Besides the Jin army in the attack ,Sichuan may not be able to escape .
Fortunately, frame Sichuan as cancelled ,not on . , relationresultZhao Dun listened,silent half ring, then slowly : your words rational ,Sichuan to frame you, not to mention . , relationresultIn this way,several ministers argued ,was identified with the Jin army belligerent principles, the following is discussed in both body layout .
Currently the seven ruling minister ,only Han Yanzhi and Liu Gongyou had military experience ,is familiar with the military ,the other four civilian origin, in which Chen Junqing and Liang Related articles:

