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 To know now both parties of opening the slice on the biggest differentiation of activity be, adventure because get hurt, can stand at first;But admire ratio but at round them continuously run!Similarly trample on the slippery ground, but the effect is totally different-practical adventure s didn't feel how, can admire a ratio but accept not to live a son, direct from is those risky nearby hurtle pass by!
The second sorcery that by this time wraps light light arrived:Spider's web Shu!
White the flower flower take to glue sex spider's web and directly overaly formerly greasy Shu up, the originally slippery ground become to make people raise a Wei Jian for an instant, particularly is those position higher spider's thread, seem Ban Ma Suo similar dislike.
Admire ratio Be bawling out and chopping down to pare to glue in the spider's thread on the trouser-legs with the sword, try the tie of getting away from the spider's web.But wrap light to only see the other party to finally stop down, which be willing to pass this extremely good of opportunity.In fact he choice spider's web Shu, doing not hope can tie up to admire compare how long, but for after of extremely kill to make a cushion.
If only is polite Shi Fa, that also isn't that he wraps light light.
Hence people then and astonishedly discover, originally even spreads in the spider's web on the ground, the sudden had life, it the part of beginning dozen from the exterior book son, be like big hand sort Gao Gao raised, a will admire to compare to knead in the center of palm, immediately after and then round center of admire compare quickly revolve, until tying up of a turn per turn at admire than the body;And meanwhile, the rattan Man of ground also book feet that lived to admire a ratio, once the two times drag along, the person rushed toward ground to pour.
The community delivers evil rope Shu in a sudden!
"Can the spider's web Shu also use like this?"Old man eyes of the Si all soon stared out, he pointed at an old pack all alone and stammerly asked a way.
"Everything all probably!All of"wrap light light satisfied way, " nets is become to°from the cordage of, this has what rare?However the words said back again and have been already completed all most basically now, underneath of the work is that you come or I?"
"Shi, what?"
Wrap light light don't talk as well, bend from the waist the crushed stones of picking up a piece of palm size, take aim distance not to be tie~ued with eyes be like a chrysalis of silkworm, return one arch one arch struggle endlessly of admire a ratio;That meaning has already expressed very definitely-you make moves, still I rock?
In fact he completely can let people directly admire to compare to tie~u actually, but probably is to in times before man the Si decline with all sorts of excuses but feel not great, by this time, he is it happened that to want to force the other party declare.
The man Si sighed tone and read to cantillate voodoo beginning Shi Fa.Don't know as well because the magic falls back, is still that he isn't to hold an evil good at relation, an even two"mankind settle body" be all admired compare exempt from, until the third just successfully settle a person,Beats By Dr Dre Studio.
What Lu Ka put out strength in Chi-an cough two, those be admired to compare to contuse of brothers just such as dream the square come to, hurriedly in the past will admire compare press down.Can in this time, wrap light and only and suddenly discover, own feeling knows and imitate a Buddha drive what things to bumped for a while.
Is close behind he judges, that is 1 kind to operate dust drop of water very close by strength with him, while the source head of this kind of strength is unexpectedly an admiring of ground ratio ·Pa man!
When admire compare also owned this ability?
Is that failure to seal to print, in addition to letting is abnormal shape and his symbiosis, also lost in his body at that time oneself, have already used to part of strength of wrapping up the magic to also along together leave?The curiosity lets to wrap only only cannot help but gathering together in the past, result but discover admire ratio ……BE crying.
"I am mankind, I am mankind ……" admires to compare to mumblingly say, the tears follows his cheeks to flow to drip, have been falling that Pie the funny small beard is at him up.
Wrap light light not from must turn over to turn over cold stare, the heart says this person to be sick?However is many an organ, can let people's real strenght soar rapidly, the good matter like this still cries a bird on the stand, is really a typical body don't know blessing in the blessing;The satisfied man doesn't know that the hungry man is hungry.You don't want to donate out, have plenty of a person to break a head to rob to transplant.
By this time admire compare also realize that someone came, he raises head to looking at old pack of, use a kind of expect a wing of euphonic ask a way:"You say that I am mankind to?Not is what monster, also not is what Zhuo ……"
Just made reference to here, admired the throat of ratio inside send out the voice of a burst of"Luo Luo Luo" ring, imitated a Buddha drive what things to plug.
"Lose a Shu?"Wrap light light not from must wrinkle up eyebrows.
At present can display this magic trick of, in addition to wrapping oneself only and only, only have Chinese Si of old sorcery teacher, but the other party interrupt to admire the words of ratio at Shi Fa of this time, absolutely for hiding what secret!
The by this time old sorcery teacher also rushed through to come over, he pointed at to admire a ratio voice a color to accompany to fiercely drink a way:"Admire a ratio!Are you getting more crazy?"
Admire to compare to see him to close to, unexpectedly leaves of cut up rough, the mouth opens to match to seem to say what.Wrap light only don't understand lip-language, can not guess a concrete contents, however see that facial expression, seeming the possibility for denouncing openly isn't small.Old master's facial expression chops about and without extra trouble touched piece rock on the ground, all the way small run over toward admiring ratio when the head hits!

The text chapter 107 troublous times
Renew time:2010-3-120:47:43 chapter word numbers:2228

"Control breath this trifle, also really make people cut and polish not and deeply.(The full text word novel reading, exert is .1 ⑹κ x Ss at the ωωω .Сom (1 ⑥κ xs.Com.Text.Learn a net)"one day wrap light light suddenly say to Lu Ka in Chi-an like this, " who can thought of an unlucky ghost to unexpectedly also sometimes come to revolve of time ."
"Many absolute being is partial to simpleton more."Saint warrior old elder brother's head don't lift as well, just by hand Mo Suo wear the hilt of a sword of in front, the appearance of that deep feeling, let to wrap light the light cannot help but thinking of long don't strive for the martial rattan orchid of noodles.Hence he smiled, way:"Yes, he was originally a simpleton, more silly over there after."
The unlucky ghost in the two of him words, the nature is a small beard to admire a ratio ·Pa man.This guy has already imitated a Buddha to become after and abnormal shape symbiosis individual general:Not only strength, speed, still the reactions all had an obviously leap, even the anti- shot beats ability to all seem to be very abnormal, the that rock bottom of old master goes, person Leng is what the matter have no and poured to give° that effect that loses a Shu to untie.
The time been lifted to walk, admire than still scold of, go together with the facial expression of that face be full of remorse again, don't know of still think that he ate big Kui in the sky, in fact, the advantage all about lets his one person to have whole!
Although after that have no again once saw admire a ratio, see he at that time ability steady press four experienced adventures of, if again learned regular Wu Ji, that must living fierce arrive a how astonishing situation?
Be covered with a person skin of abnormal shape?Think of to all let people not from get is of a sweat.
Turn over to see old pack of oneself again.Look like to remove white got an old man one class magic of the Si, let fierce Cuan of own grade several outside, again have never met a satisfactorily of matter.Want according to Chi-an Lu Ka's theory, say oneself at ordinary times all too cleverness, just occasionally just delivers once silly, so get of regard with affection not enough?
Wrap light light mouth, but don't know to is that the cachinnation is three, or should cry bitterly.
But no matter how it is say, since that day, he satisfied don't get up any further.
"This morals of the world, crosses still really isn't necessarily so a leading role."The real strenght cans not compare with a strong of Lu Ka title like this in Chi-an also just, but drive one far not equal to his person play catch-up, that taste how can really not.
Hence wrap light light self-discipline get more try very hard to.Say with a words for spreading:He is like a fingerling, in the sea of knowledge Related articles:

