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Yin cloud covers with chapter 303
The river this time words in sky that was green to listen to cloud.There is emotional stirrings in the heart, too.Then order a way!The business of one Niang, I also listenned to before the father once bring up some, since you had a plan, I didn't obstruct you as well, hoped your ten thousand even Bu hearts, here, various matter I could have to help Chen, can boundary, the eldest brother is willing to help but unable to do so, you have what need of, though open mouth, the eldest brother accomplishes for you as far as possible!"
"I need to be a here one military strategy geography taking distribute diagram, only this and no more foot Yi!"Cloud course of river in the sky.
Tu Tian Qing on listenning to, then and outward noodles way:"Please go to my debt to come to 1!"
"BE!"A guard immediately echoes but goes to, not and in a short while, see the middle age man of a bushy beard with tall and big in stature shape money income in, took aim cloud river and Tang Ling Sha for sky one eye after, then embrace a boxing way:"Is little handsome to have an order?"
Tu Tian Qing's way:"Cannon general, this is the river in the sky of my younger brother, you shoulded once listen to of, he needs to be a northernly of soldier Zhuo strategic geography distribute diagram!"
The Bao general listenned to Tu Tian Qing introduce, the air is surprised, then become overdo river in the sky coming to cloud to embrace a boxing way:"Bao Tu En once sees the river childe in sky, please permit a childe to slightly need a short moment, originally then take in person this!"Say, then turned round debt.
Tu Tian Qing's way:"River in the sky, just will Yang Shen tell me to say what plan you still have?"
Cloud course of river in the sky:"If the ice place with a draught forbid wine, if the eldest brother orders strictly forbid, perhaps will appear to smuggle vending circumstance occurrence and just was curing a businessman run into and poured to make me thought of a stratagem, the probably momentary function didn't show Zhao, but had one 23 years, the effect will definitely rise to get instant results, this detects Luo orchid intelligence report to the north soldier, will greatly do good!"
Tu Tian Qing smell, immediately come to interest, short cut:"What wonderful plan is that ?"
"Soldier company Anne is private!"Cloud course of river in the sky.
"Smuggle?"One face captivation of Tu Tian Qing:"What is a soldier the company smuggle, what difference does this have among them?"
Cloud course of river in the sky:"Is also say, the north soldier secret supports a few businessmen aim at Luo orchid the businessman carry on smuggling an activity, but smuggle of the merchandise is wine and pass these smuggle businessman'ses and build up a small scaled intelligence report network.To know heavy benefit of businessman sometimes the intelligence report changes the affair of wine, also not is do don't come out of, but the wine source control in the our hand, so from now on, "
After cloud for sky river of on turning over an explanation, Tu Tian Qing listenned to understand on the whole this deep idea that include among them, suddenly way:"River in the sky, your meaning is the river food liquid in sky used my Tu Shi to conduct now, support severals.Businessman, sells through the situation of smuggle an orchid the businessman is to Luo, Luo orchid businessman once tasting sweetener from it, by all means more crary, change wine with the intelligence report, this pouring doesn't lose to a brilliant strategy as well!"
Cloud course of river in the sky:"Can establish a military situation organization in the soldier in the north, exclusively be engaged in an intelligence report analysis work, those businessmen pay intelligence report each time, hereafter will be worth of supplying the quantity of wine source according to the intelligence report how much, their intelligence report for providing is more of great value, so we provide of wine source more many, so these businessman's accrual space more big, they want to earn more money, by all means will think that the square tries to provide more intelligence report for us, I believe for a sky, the river food liquid contains this magic power, will let those Luo orchid wine the companies are crary, this matter you can do a report in detail and deliver a letter to the master son and let him privately negotiate with emperor, emperor after all also be regarded as the shareholder of this wine, think necessarily his heart in than you the farsighted value that I more know that this includes among them!"
"This is really the good strategy that doesn't lose to one to permeate Luo orchid military situation!"The great way of Tu Tian Qing:"Although effect in the short run not obvious, time is more long, the effect can really rise to get instant results, now Luo's orchid southern soldier from shout extension empty control, this person is also an all of Zhi brave double of just, crossing swords of last time, I almost ate big Kui in the this person hand, if isn't a sky, river you remind in time, the result is so terrible we dares not thinks about it!"
"Moreover, two emperor the son is this person, you from now on also certainly have to be thousand times careful, I always have a kind of strange intuition, this person is also remarkable, particularly the trust that he is subjected to prince's his highness very much now, I Be also inconvenient to bring up to the prince, say to prohibit which day, by that time eldest brother you must see pure situation!"Make reference to here, cloud river in the sky doesn't say.
Tu Tian Qing's point nods a way:"I understand your meaning and tried the before last year autumn I left behind you are in the station son to the words that I say, to once experienced some after the events in the soldier, I cautiously wanted to think, felt the as a result that you say reasonable, afterwards the grandpa sends a letter here again to I speaking of these, I understand we shoulded do what, should not do what, so river in the sky you greatly can trust!"
At this time, the cannon general walked to come in and took out a sheepskin map to come out a way:"This is Luo's orchid and cloud half territory, and He's adding to pull to pull with He together geography of the mountain range peripheral district distributes diagram, is also the most detailed confidential military map in soldier!"
"Thank cannon general!"Cloud river in the sky once took diagram to see one eye, indeed as expected detailed.Cannon general but is looking at cloud river to say for sky:"Childe.Just virtuous general while was living took an end will once arrive how many places,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift, once drew a map as well, could the childe take on the body?"
Once cloud river in the sky listen to, then and immediately the inside handed over to his that map to take out while being at time of death just virtuous from the personal pocket, way:"Does the cannon general know this place on the diagram?"
The cannon general sees after that map, then add that and points at two blank districts of top to say just virtuous general while was living.Once remitted small will investigate to once go around and inspect in these three places, childe as long as putting together these two diagrams to put together, can explore to know those three dwelling places at, the just virtuous general once left as well over there some clueses had some thing, however had one thing, the childe might use.Would be this thing!"
Say, the Bao general suddenly pulls out wearing of waist sword, public a surprised, Tu Tian Qing is about to obstruct.But already late.
At cloud river surprised Cha in sky under, the cannon general has already stabbed the thigh of breaking oneself and split into pieces a piece of skin, from in take out similar after taking the article of thrombus, then will that of some oil papers throw away, peep out a piece very thin, the triangle type-like in shape jade hands over the way in cloud river hand in the sky:"This thing is the just virtuous general finds out of a to pass important thing, hand over to an end after meeting the sting at him will of, the end will hand over to need his person in the future, the end will then give this thing to childe now, thinking necessarily the childe is to need his person".
Cloud river in the sky once connects that piece of similar jade that is like a triangle type and tooked a look, the thing is like a key, but don't know is do what use.
The Bao general delivered one sword on the oneself's feet.Even have no eyebrowses wrinkly for a while, seem to be also inattentive, short cut:"Childe, this thing was a just virtuous general to be burned down over there while was living of found out in the log cabin historic relic of, concretely have what effect, we didn't know as well, but the just virtuous general says this thing to be buried very concealment, explained this thing to settle to is a very important thing.So the childe takes up, probably will have some helps!"
"Thank Bao general!"Cloud river in the sky will that of jade carefully accept good this after, from the heart appreciate a way.
Cannon general way:"The childe needs not stands on ceremony, this threes on the piece place and all add to pull to let in the He.The medium segment of vein, there an among those places gram that close to a cloud empire Maya's Si city, moreover two all at Huang countryside Ling in, but here, the childe certainly had to be careful while fishing for, here have a place, there is working properly a monster to appear and disappear very strongly, in those early years end will with general just fished for in the edge once ran into once, didn't go deep into at us so much, succeed in escaping in time, that works properly a monster, is a pair heads red hat snake, respond very intelligent, speed also soon, if the childe wants to meet, certainly has to be extra careful,http://www.headphonest.com!"Cloud river in the sky keeps firmly in mind these words prison bottom after, Tu Tian Qing also gives Bao general best at this time medicine, Bao Tu En embraces a boxing way:"Childe, the end will know of so many, the end of that diagram will just once carry on marking as well, the childe knows diagram to look for and find out very easily of, the end will still have important business to in advance excuse to leave in the body!"
After cannon general leaves, Tu Tian leaves a way:"River in the sky.Then stop for rest in this big camp for a night tonight, start on journey again tomorrow morning".
Cloud river in the sky but shake head a way:"Just I cure, is to miss lane certificate piece, take advantage o a night to exit from country of, just have never thought you also here, thoughted of that matter, so conveniently come to see".
Tu Tian Qing hears and saw one eye Tang Ling Sha after,Beats By Dre Free shipping day, know cloud for sky river worry Tang Ling Sha will have influence here and then also no longer request, way:"That I make people prepare the thing needed by some route of travels for you, a short while Yang Zhu's livinging will do a very related affair for you, you are in this Xuan!"Say, Tu Tian green stool handsome debt.
When left Tang Ling Sha and cloud river in the sky, Tang Ling Sha's way:"River in the sky, just at cure that fatty in a doorway is a very clever guy, I think he should some ways, probably we can pass that fatty disguises as Luo orchid businessman, sneak into Luo's orchid inshore, as long as once rounding an ice place with a draught, don't concern, and in the evening as long as we change to attire, they should can't easily recognize we of!"
Cloud river in the sky surprisedly saw Tang Ling Sha's one eye, Tang Ling Sha vomited to vomit small joss-stick tongue to him and shook his arm way:"Do I say not a rightness?"
Cloud river in the sky lightly on smiling, go her Lan into the bosom, way:"I also think so!"
At this time, spread a stem to cough a voice inside the debt.Tang Ling Sha suddenly thoughts of here still big debt in soldier, immediately escape from cloud the embracing of river have his face raddens all over for sky and lower the head not to dare to see incoming Tu Tian Qing, embarrassed get very anxious to seek a hole to drill into.
Tu Tian Qing just regards as have nothing at all to see, see he take a burden to come over and hand over to cloud the course of river is for sky:"The noodles contains a few thick solid clotheses here, there is also Luo the orchid country and cloud country of, have some spare medicine and dry ration food, have some fragmentary of thing, take on your road, from useful!"
Cloud river in the sky answers, Yang Zhu livingsed into a handsome debt way at this time:"Is little handsome, have already handled appropriate, another front's exploring Shao has already spread news, the Luo orchid soldier cures a Zhang to open to lead five certificates before the light, Luo orchid businessman tonight will once bargain, this is empty be can make use of!"
"Is very good, river in the sky, that I no longer requested you to stay, you this then starts on journey, must take good care of".Tu Tian Qing stretches out a hand.
After cloud river in the sky grasps his hand, 2 people grip and order a way:"My meeting of, now don't lead!"Finish saying, then take Tang Ling Sha together with Yang Zhu livinged big camp.
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