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Go after ,Yang Changpeng said: pardon ,Hongzhou from salt, only she hundred miles ,it seems that this war is about to begin . , relationresultSince thesong gave up after Yinzhou, West to withdraw ,continuous abandoned stone state ,state of Longzhou ,summer ,forgive ,flood ,etc.
.When the Jin army by thorough Xia territory she two hundred .But compared with the other two middle army ,but were blocked ,little progress .This song is also in the salt state line made extensive preparations ,engaged the golden army .
relationresultYang Yan to the snowstorm, look to the East ,said: do not know the Jin army made snow prepared without ,hope the snow will not hold the Jin army advance ! , relationresultLookfor a while ,then it turned to Yang Yan ,saying: the ominous poly will ,to begin the task .
, relationresult※ ※※Song Xiang to support the original ※ ※ ※relationresultIn the Yang Yanzhansalt city first snow time, the Jin army fell into a spot of bother .relationresultThe Jin armycaptured Yinzhou, behind the March is very smooth ,carry all before one is used to describe too much ,can be said to be my song .
Wanyan Yun Gong was also very happy, but Wanyan Baisa ,Po stabbed a shift ,Zhang Wenshou and others in his ear to curry favour with ,flatter ,after Yan Yungong feel smug ,but was .
relationresultAnd theservants for loyalty and Heliopolis stone Liezhi Ningdu is versed in art of war of the people ,but have done Yan Yungong so optimistic .All the way song didn anything decent resistance ,simply abandoned the city walk ,is entirely a lure the enemy in deep posture, so never let down .
relationresultTheHeliopolis stone Liezhi Ning ,when Jin South when he didn eat ,but Yang Yan knew that Yang Yan suffer,cheap dr dre beats, resourceful ,a 100, looking Daikin national ,perhaps only the Wanyan long to make his opponent ,he can feel ashamed of one .
Therefore, the Jin Army march more smoothly ,Heliopolis stone Liezhi Ning heart is restless ,always feel that Yang Yan has no trickery .relationresultTherefore,the Jin army arrived at Hongzhou ,Heliopolis stone Lie Zhining also once to finish color Yungong mentioned once, beware of Yang Yan Tochi ,for fraud ,suggestions on gold army march .
But immediately after the boss Yan Yungong provoked the displeasure .Appeal: Heliopolis stone Lieqing ,I see you are not worry too much .Song Jun saw me Daikin Antz is to flee ,Yang Yan the man is but a pseudopodium ,what fear is .
Speed is the soldier As the saying goes ,we now from the Xingqing house is far ,not quick march to get to the Xingqing government,Artist Series, and when . , relationresultButfor its Gao Hu also took the opportunity to to Heliopolis stone Liezhi Ning a dig : I look at Heliopolis stone column adults before Yang Yan when ,by Yang Yanna pediatric give too frightened, are now made of a state of extreme nervousness .
, relationresultHeliopolisstone Lie Zhining also can not help but shame and anger ,he can finish color and Yungong strife ,and for its high Huqiang only way: I is not afraid of Yang yan .
But for my sake Daikin hundreds of thousands of troops ,had to be cautious .But Yang Yan was to his own ability ,to protect the song half of the country ,it is fortune .If the Southern Song Dynasty is not with him ,first emperor had to deal with the south ,general ,I wonder if you have any record ,taking the small Yang yan .
, relationresultForthe Gao Hu is Heliopolis stone Liezhi Ning said flush with shame ,but he did not take any convincing record ,so all of a sudden Heliopolis stone Lenin to live, feel and some become shame ,turned to the color Yungong said: Your Majesty ,l would not just, leading to offensive forces ,and Yang Yan wage a life-and-death struggle ,not captured Yang Yan ,never to come back to see her majesty .
, relationresultSince this period of time,the Jin Army march is also very smooth finish ,so Yan Yungong mood is also good ,waved ,said: you don say, Heliopolis stone Lieqing ,your mind I know, but too circumspect is prone to error fighter .
With the Secretary of state ,your courage, I am very happy ,you can rest assured ,later will have the opportunity to go back ! , relationresultThe twomen looked at each other ,each other are not convinced ,but the emperor sent word ,also had to back down .
relationresultOriginallyintended to finish the very next day Yan Yungong on March ,but then the heavy snow ,Beats Solo HD,the Jin army temporarily also cannot go ,therefore only temporarily in Hongzhou stopped .
relationresultWhile theservants for loyalty but heart is another issue .His office is responsible for the whole army logistic work ,due to the army sent troops to effect for the rush ,preparation time is not enough ,but that was the situation very crisis ,not to afraid it will be too late ,and loyalty and dispersion are also taken into account, the Jin army in rescue of Xixia ,so one part of the materials necessary in Xixia collection .
Therefore in the troops ,just put together a number of soldiers ,as well as the armor, weapons and other items .Other materials preparation and for not doing enough .relationresultBut enterthe territory ,although the Jin Army march is fairly well ,but the army carried some food, thus temporarily not be short of grain, but the tent is extremely low ,at least 1/3 soldiers without tents ,but this is not a big problem, and the other soldiers temporarily a squeeze to Shi ,and cotton blankets the gap is even greater ,almost all of them without preparation .
There are a few soldiers from their home ,but the vast majority of soldiers were not .relationresultInthe following ,the sudden drop in temperature, lack of cotton blankets Jinbing nature is cold when ,during March because people around ,to better, at night when the rest can be bitter ,Wanyan Yun Gong and other people will be okay ,generally there is room to live ,even to the tent also all students brazier heating ,but also the quilts ,cotton .
A common soldier armor is thin, asleep at night are shivering with cold ,only closely packed together ,and the body heating .relationresultAlthoughJinbing are long living north ,Xi Chong cold winters, but now can not stand .
The Jin army arrived Hong States, army frostbite has two thousand or three thousand people .relationresultChuyoshi has started but the heart, but also in found along the way, Song Jun in the evacuation time, but in the treasures of the food supplies are all empty, is not moving away, also lit a fire light.
The Jin army gained nothing .relationresultTheyscattered loyalty also thought, from the civil mobilization of some materials ,temporary solution as pressing danger ,but for withdrawal although did not strengthen the defences and clear the fields ,the Tangut people all moved away ,but in the evacuation before, in folk, acquisition of a large number of food ,cloth ,cotton ,blankets ,ginger ,pepper ,the Tangut people surplus almost capsule scraping .
relationresultGoldJunlai after, although also collected some ,but for the about two hundred thousand army ,was almost equal to is an utterly inadequate measure ,be of no avail .The snow is coming, the Jin army frostbite number also jumps up ,suddenly reached more than 5000 .
There are Liangsanbaiduo man froze .relationresultThen theservants for loyalty and also feel a serious incident ,if wait for domestic supply ,at least until a month later ,I don how many soldiers of frostbite .
So the servants loyalty to finish color Yungong scattered immediately made a report ,and immediately called the will ,negotiation approach .relationresultIn the face of such apredicament ,the army will also be at a loss what to do in public ,the Gao Hu has said: Your Majesty ,it is easy to handle, we the troops ,is to rescue the to .
The Tangut people also be said ,therefore can be ordered the Tangut people ,every household must send me the Jin army pay a coat ,a piece of felt ,otherwise ,will be severely punished .
, relationresultWanyanYun Gong nodded ,said: this is a good way ,and San Qing ,Heliopolis stone Lieqing ,the two of you think how ? , relationresultHisloyalty and Heliopolis stone powder Liezhi Ning looked at each other ,with the idea of Gao Hu is in fact is robbed ,I feel something is wrong, but there is no other way ,could only agree .
relationresultInMarch forty ( on ) , relationresultIn thesong ,Jin ,Mongolian ,summer in the land of their respective countries play a systemic solution operation ,carried out a time Related articles:

