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(Renewal's quickest wap..cn)
Don't is strange, when that cloth uncover, Mo Yan Chou saw a young girl of unique color, lovely shape, Chu Chu moving appearance, and that eyes that will talk, all so of the United States.Mo Yan Chou is some surprise, but, after all be not what too shocked affair, because oneself early have already anticipated to conclude a fruit.
"Adult, how?Is beautiful?"This slave's lord already the color Mi Mi looking at this to wear eyes in my droop, the imitating of darling Buddha everythings all didn't relate to a similar young girl with oneself.
"Ha ha, very good, thank you, I thought, can we see me to want now?"Mo Yan Chou stood, then signal hint a mire leg in the past and became this already with the look in the eyes the young girl that can say to is oneself's private possession take up, although Mo Yan Chou knows oneself is impossible chase this young girl how, , oneself always cans not looking at her that pitiful appearance, then lets she again be sent by this slave's lord to the other people, and, the most simple 1:00 is other people to give presents, oneself how not bashful don't ?
"Adult, so worried?Then Xie a short while!I have already kept on ordering them and prepare for you!"Slave's lord understood this time, oneself sent of gift, probably didn't attain the result that oneself wants, so, the words behind originally meant to say, also swallowed into belly inside."Not, I want to visit for a while, you the circumstance here, slave's trading post I have ever been to many, but, you use to the big camp of putting the slave, I still keep first visiting, if don't see, how to get to arise from F?"Mo Yan Chou smiled to smile, because he has already felt some boredoms, this kind of feels come of very difficult to express, but seriously ground the judgment and felling that influences Mo Yan Chou for now.
"Okay,beats by dre uk, since the adult wants to see, that I take you to visit for a while, we have never greeted a traveler person as well here, after all, you are knowing, do this kind of business, a kind of affair with very strong risk."Slave's lord made reference to here, no longer talked, because of behind of meaning, oneself also has no necessity again pick clear, because if words like that, that is humiliating Mo Yan Chou's intelligence.
Seven turn eight to round of, at Mo Yan Chou soon the head deliver dizzy of time, finally before arriving a very huge room."Adult, we arrive first to see here!Is mainly some craftsmans here, at the right moment the adult also wants to want more some craftsmans, you can literally pick, as long as being what you have a liking for, be is I send to the adult of."Slave lord heroism says, also at last draw together Mo Yan Chou!
What Mo Yan Chou noticed tooks a look this building, a very wide house, the height should is able to arrive 2 F and up has liberally Peng in the sky, can let the sun directly project light upon room at the time of needing.
The front door is under several effort for defending, drive pushing away of a little, Mo Yan Chou estimated to estimate, this door, should be a front door of pure steel iron castings, while opening the door that slow-moving speed, let Mo Yan Chou know and think break out of is what difficulties from the inside.
Walk to the inside, very clean, isn't that that kind of is more similar than a general place of animal palisades, definite elephant in this room what Mo Yan Chou guesses so, is two layers, the 1 F of top.Be been divided into a lot of small rooms, still don't know now is stem what use of, but underneath of the place then be been divided into a few places, inside in each place's hasing a lot of craftsmans is industriously working over there.
See Mo Yan worry an interrogative look in the eyes, that slave's lord proudly says to Mo Yan Chou:"The other slave is all main, put these slaves at room in, close, seemed to feed domestic animals to similarly feed them, so do, absolutely be waste, so, I change here a factory is up the place that they stop for the night, below is the place that they work, in addition to not free, they combine can't be subjected to what maltreat, so, they have been waiting until someone to buy them to walk, but they production come out of thing, then enough I changed to feed all slave's cost, and, here the noodles still included me slave's the person's salary and daily expense in the trading post.You see, during the period of the work here, a lot of original handicrafts aren't Gao De Ren very, after passing by so the work of many people, will become very good."
Mo Yan Chou continuously orders a head, didn't thought of, this slave's lord unexpectedly has already squeezed the slave's surplus value to this situation.Is absolute to still need to exploit thoroughly than those capitalists, exploit of clean, but, finally but still all say for the sake of those slave good, definite, but life and existence environment and condition of the slave here is well a lot of.
"Adult, you see, this is the weapon that their production comes out.Absolutely blow hair to break hair."Slave's lord take over a sharply wear knife, pass to Mo Yan Chou.
Mo Yan Chou inattentively received a hand inside, but, immediately enlarge strength, because of, this wear the weight of knife, far and far exceed anticipating of Mo Yan Chou, with as for Mo Yan Chou almost don't hold tight this knife.Press down knife Huang, hear a voice of frailty ear, then the knife flicked 1 open.Mo Yan Chou slowly of make this wearing the knife pulled out out, an algidity filled the air a while, this isn't the algidity of sorcery, but a kind of the algidity of murderous look that the Sen weighs, sharp edge of knife's combining could not see how much of sheen, on the contrary seem to be a bit dreary.Mo Yan Chou slightly flicked to flick knife, then shouted one good.
"Ha ha, the good knife, the mire leg, takes your ax son to come out, let me try this to make the knife breaking the ax sub- cleavage can a while yours."Mo Yan Chou smiles to say to Mo Yan Chou.
"Okay, adult."Mire leg also very of excitement, to a warrior, good weapon, always being that so can draw on a person, besides, this sees is a treasure knife, the mire leg excitedly took out his/her own war ax, then tightly held at hand in.Mo Yan Chou also Don't mention it, flicked knife to directly chop down past.Then that makes the war slicing being divided into of a people's orderliness two halfs ax drive from, Mo Yan Chou in the process of incising, unexpectedly could not feel the bar of a little.
"Ha ha, good knife, good knife.How much is this knife?Did I want and also have how much?All of me wanted!"Mo Yan Chou doesn't want to put it away of play this knife, then to slave lord the owner say.
Slave's lord is also very happy, Mo Yan Chou can like, come to an own purpose, now a hear Mo Yan worry to say so, but bitterness wear face:"Adult, so good absolute being machine, where have so many, only this and no more a , is what I an old slave here once refine came out, the weapon came out of that day of, unexpectedly still arouse the sky changed and frightenned us all enough Chuang, then I just arrived at here, I didn't do business in the empire before."
", Originally a , however, you open a price, I bought.There is also that old slave where?I also bought!"Mo Yan Chou basically didn't see a slave lord, eyes already all drive this knife to draw on.
"Adult, you want take go, I since took out, be prepare to send to your , this knife already heel I so several years, but, I am a business person, it follows my to bury myself, the adult is definitely a knight dragon, can let it rushes an oneself's prestige.As for that old slave, that celestial spirits machine comes out of time, throw up blood and Wu, however he has two disciples, the level of big disciple can also, but, two disciples not went and beat iron at 1:00 also can't, on the contrary the drum Dao all day long is some machine things, if not that seeing on the face of his teacher, I have already give°ed him to handle, if adult would like to of words, the time walk, take top, although that guy can't beat iron,various small trifle really does quite goodly, the adult returned to, can make him build for you to order small trifle, be is brush happy."Slave's lord says and then soughted again a small scaled machine passes to Mo Yan Chou, told Mo Yan Chou this Related articles:

