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Went to make deep red face.But he can not get angry, otherwise, negotiating of today will die without being ill, the later road is more difficult to walk.He originally intends in the heart, can pull them to the strength of the morning sun island three general situation dint, what to favor is the artistic skill of these people in the morning sun island, can see now, this young island lord be not so very mutually with of, words not speculation, probably leave in peevish anger!Or young man, there is no patience.He secretly feels deeply about.
"Everyone also knew now, peace's teaching had already helped to have operation to our Qian cloud today, their influences will stretch Su Hang, believe at sit all to understand this peace teaches what kinds of goods, if make them enter Su Hang, result need not I say!"The Dan set Zhong line says, but the vision looking at Luo easy.He but know that the morning sun island has already taught the stem how to ascend with peace, the good elephant hasn't been placed in a leeway to lead, this sentence mainly says to Qin Ling's Kou son Yin, and herds the far court listens to of, hope that they can arouse enough value.
Herd far court is homology to the Kou son Yin reaction, to this news they have already known, can have never thought, that what Luo easy, to this news, there is unexpectedly no facial expression!He can't have never listenned to the peace teaching!Kou son Yin and herd a far court have already peeped out smiling face, a young men like this, will bring about wind waves at Su Hang!Is afraid that the nobody believes!
The Dan set Zhong doesn't already go wry smile, he certainly knows 2 people to smile what, see Zhang Zhong Shan's one eye, he feels very helpless.Su Hang's this place, the people's customs is moderate, lack washing of force to do, be he almost lost river's lake to fight by himself of**, once meeting a sudden affair by all means is that the hand and foot is pressing.And for long time, Su Hang doesn't have the existence of other influences and make them think, the river is in the lake already no one dare to arrive Su Hang to come.Result BE, night Lang arrogance, sit a well view for sky, don't know river's lake of Be getting bigger!
Herd this old guy in far court, treacherous slippery, a load is surprised to be subjected to afraid appearance, way:"The influence that the peace teaches wants Su Hang and all has been already influenced to us, good BE, we the main name of shop of gold stone is also so several houses at Su Hang, but say to us, also not small loss, everyone should think a completely plan!"Under the sound of idea, we are to lose and also had no what, gold stone big industry in the house is big, also lose of rise!
The Dan set Zhong goes spirit bitterness, can again inconvenience say what, take to see Yin toward the Kou son.
The Kou son Yin town calms down surprisingly, the voice the slightest has no a load of surprised afraid appearance of being subjected to, way:"The peace teaches us to all know, old man also would not like to wildly from thin thin, although the family possessions that didn't have confidence to keep Qin Ling, can to the peace teach also can't unclear!"
The Dan set Zhong goes exhaustive silly eye, all of this a few guys were how today!Ate the bear heart leopard son Dan, the words like this all say of come out!So by so doing, unique doom of is Qian cloud to help!
Luo easily sneers at, a words don't say as well and looking at this how many everyones clan Er worry I don't already laugh behind one's back in the heart suddenly, is Qin Ling that level?Still say to teach with peace to resist!He certainly can't think that he only waits a person to teach with peace to go back and forth, can Qin Ling really has no that real strenght, otherwise, they also wasn't Su Hang's influence, but the Hao of world!
The piano is purple to rather show eyebrow of tight lock, have no the dialogue of achievements to them, have been the most impatient, can how she say is also small generation, didn't talk of leeway.Lightly pulled to pull Luo easy clothes, signaled hint him to leave this place.
Luo easily also has a little impatient, can have no a final outcome, he leaves now and loses ground on the reason.He rather smiled to smile, spread a sound toward the purple piano of way:"Is small rather, don't be so impatient, do you still need to do sword!Become an outstanding sword way master, the effort of this nourish the spirit is an essential to have of, be and is toughenning own nourish the spirit effort good!"
The piano is very purple to rather listen to what he said is well play, in this place nourish the spirit, afraid is also that he can think!However, pour is calmness order, have no again say to walk of affair.
Dan set Zhong's going spirit is a spirit, can the words still need to say, press down own hatred and sink a track:"Severals say all quite rightly, can much a strength wasn't many a guarantee, if we can build up the relation of mutual support, hereafter the peace teach again, not also have to look after, always compare a Gu body to battle strong!"
Herding far court and the Kou son Yin elephant is to don't hear a sort, the vision doesn't see him as well.But Luo give or get an electric shock to turn to keep in the easy heart bottom, quickly wanted to think, this idea to whether their morning sun island is beneficial!At Su Hang, if can become an alliance for influence like this with Qian cloud, is not a bad matter either!Can behind if really want to eat up it, fear face top to also lead not to rise!But thought of Zhang Song letter, they have no strong line of ate Qian cloud to help of possibility, that to Zhang Song letter to say, isn't not give an account!The thoughts and feelings arrives this, Luo easily and again stood, first way:"If the Dan set helps a lord would like to, our jewelry goes to help with Qian cloud to form alliance!"He says very carefully, now who all see of come out, two other, for the affair for forming alliance, there is all no interest!Consequently don't say them as well!
The Kou son Yin is an appearance for sneering at, looking at Luo easy, the elephant early knows to will have a result sort like this;But herd a far court but have a little become speechless, the taste keeps to straightly stare at Luo easy, did their jewelry go to just form alliance with gold stone, incredibly help a hook with Qian cloud again now and want to do what?Immediately thought of, words like this, be not stood alone Qin Ling?In his heart true lane not understand, why Su Hang after many this kind of people in the morning sun island, why unexpectedly so many affairs, the outsider got into Su Hang before, dided not arouse much great waves!
The Dan set Zhong line saw herd far court and Kou son Yin one eye and hoped that they can also have an appearance for declaring.
Can 2 people the elephant is to all suddenly thought of what sort, the lookinging at of Leng Leng his/her own foot, the idea isn't on this affair.
The Dan set Zhong line hate of bit to grind teeth, but also really had no way.At Su Hang, want ~only them two consociation, Qian cloud helps really very dangerous, don't say that the business ascended, be on the force, they Qian cloud help in addition to the persons are much certainly many, personal fighting skill and Qin Ling also have a margin!This difficulty believes two all saw, the peace taught to find out his/her own head today up, are they probably gloating over the disaster of others!Break nest doesn't know under, how could it be finish egg!Doing not know as well to is oneself to think much is still them too naive.
But he can say that the purpose has been already attained already.
In fact, the purpose this time, be want to make them two and oneself together, pull the person whom this morning sun arrive to ownly and nearby, doing not say first can not and really rise a function, can see them the fighting skill of that island lord, can know, that peace teaches to want to beg for an advantage in his hand, have a little not too may!
Three general situation dint can be said as parting on bad terms, the Dan set Zhong goes to connect to send of mood all have no.Originally should be close the relation such as the brothers, but on being at calamity juncture, the essence thing rears right away!Say good to listenly, what teach not to put in the mind to the peace, what name of shop not at Su Hang.A problem that is simple is afraid to ask for fire top the body is just!
Luo is easy they don't want the Dan set Zhong line to send and left a Dan set the Zhong go of don't industry, Zhang Song's believing is stayed, words say to is to circulate news, can everyone's heart know a belly clearly.
Return to jewelry to go, Li Tian often they have already waited of Be getting more impatient, if not that Xiao gram Wei says to have no what is up, they early take a person to hurtle to Dan set the Zhong go of your home, seek their important person.
Luo easily says with smile:"We several at Su Hang if is wrong, that can the problem Be getting bigger, till today, it was what trifle to finally know Su Hang's three general situation dint!"He the despise of tone extremity.
The piano is purple to rather didn't good impression, way:"That what Kou the son Yin is absolutely a loafer and herd a far court also not is what good thing, see Qian cloud to help wrong,beats by dre pro, unexpectedly sit on the sideline to ignore, also say what cool criticism!"She is this to just cry out for justice for the Dan set bright moon!Think a Dan set Zhong's going is also personal thing and unexpectedly fell this situation today!
The Xiao gram Wei sits on the chair, having a little seeing of lazy ocean ocean the piano is rather purple one eye, kindly smile Related articles:

