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Such rules?"
9:"The super degree Wu works properly is need to expend Buddha heart, can not think Du how much Du how much.Super degree of substantial in fact is the conversion of Buddha heart, is also the Buddha heart used a Buddhism backlog to eliminate the Yuan Nie that the Mi ghost builds.Luckily the Buddha heart of the Buddhism self-discipline very essence, Du ghost of can with on being ten, so each bodhisattva could turn around ten thousand ghosts by Du, being unlikely the momentary half would be tired to crouch down.Buddha heart the backlog isn't easy.Even if is strong such as Ksitigarbha big bodhisattva like this, also can not stand to at will toss about!If the Buddha heart consumed light, his ability also disappeared!I fear that these bodhisattva mercies get up to have no a , so directly stipulate, the Yuan Nie is the deepest don't get a super degree!Have to the form absolute being put out all!That ratio super degree the Buddha heart for expending want to be a lot of little."
Leaf Hao the sky is suddenly realize:"It is so.But I hear that the super degree Wu works properly to increase Buddha heart, is that what is the row?"
Nine article lotus the set answer a way:"What you said is quite good.The process that the super degree Wu works properly needs to expend Buddha heart completion;However soul once acquiring a super degree, the meeting slowly requite a super degree in the future day.This repay mostly was little, took an average about is the super degree Wu works properly to consume Buddha heart of 2 times.So the list of Ksitigarbha is worked properly by super degree Wu and then can fix into ten grounds of bodhisattva, the world admires, the everyone admires."
Have no excessive long true absolute being of love evil fog of heart have already covered to come over, all-powerful Che ground one pink, only many places of Buddha places leave piece 100 Zhang all of the pure space.
Leaf Hao the sky don't worry.Because Buddha Zu and various Buddhas didn't counter-attack at the moment, the space of these several hundred Zhang sizes only from their protect the body Buddha light auto formative of.If thousand Buddhas counter-attack with all strength, settle however ability will true absolute being of love evil fog of heart to blow a part to go, even make it vanish to turn into naught.
The Buddha Zu stays calm and collecteds, Lang voice hello way:"The absolute being gentleman finally came!Still please appear one Xu!"
The true absolute being drives dragon in the sky to appear in the sky, "ha ha" cachinnation way:"The beard Mi absolute being mountain the fielding is severe, the old monk doesn't enjoy the cool air in the mountain and rush out to show to put what?Is this to intentionally make me difficult?I want not to come to pay tribute and how make sense?Isn't enough meaning?"
The Buddha Zu says with smile:"Absolute being gentleman, unfortunately you come too late, many ghosts have been already spread, bad very difficult make good, might it not be you think with the personal dint only don't anti- thousand Buddhas become?"
Eyes of true absolute being are very sharp, a see to shrink in the crowd of turn a king, right away cold hum 1:"I say how so many ghosts all went up in smoke and originally did obeisance Yan king to grant!"
Change a king into the other party vehemence force, could not controled feelings ground to stay back 2.
The true absolute being sneer doesn't stop and hopes Buddha Zu and 1:"Gu body one person treats again how?Xuan all jade city seven the treasure mountains are so many superiors, also different a fold hands capture?I say to come right away and say to walk and then walk, who ability Nai I what?"The words sound didn't fall, he suddenly saw noodles laugh at now again of the leaf of the color Hao sky, can not help one Leng, soon after harsh voice laugh wildly a way:"Good you absolute being state son!Hao big emperor in the sky!The critical illness begs to cure indiscriminately, you ran to the Buddha to believe in to come!Ha ha, absolutely too good!You since came, not was leaving!"
Leaf Hao the sky took a look to nearby sit upright an immobility, treasure mutually solemn various Buddha, feels in heart depend on, hence slowly the station start.Is tiny tiny a say with smile:"Long time no see all had some to think of good friend.Good friend but please make moves, treat after elder brother exchange blows with thousand Buddhas, we brothers a pair again the Xu isn't late!"
True absolute being sneer way:"Say so much, the younger brother looking at how I plays."Finish saying that the way being overdo to go to, hope toward the Buddha Zu becoming:"For giving you old to prepare a dinner, this arrived late an one step.Regrettable this dinner hasn't thoroughly completed work, can give me two hours of time?Let me have already burned vegetables to present to come up?"
The Buddha Zu chokes to spend a smile:"If don't give you the opportunity, you lost to can't admire sincerely, either.You go to, I wait you."
The true absolute being Yin smiles a slowly concealed body after red fog, that facial expression imitates to pack 100001000 tricks in the Buddha heart.
Present persons all hope Buddha Zu quietly, doing not know to connect down will take place what matter.
Turn the Ti Ti in Wang Xin.Silently come forward a way:"The Qi reports a life time, put out true absolute being, also please early some make moves, if wait he to meet together bad begin again very difficult.You are old to haven't to know,Beats By Dre Diamond, recent years, the public isn't ancient, a life time breeze day next, the hell is very bad of the amount also compared to increase to count decuple in times before, if all add, afraid already over 23 hundred million!If the true absolute being meets together all of these people, that pounds at perhaps very violent ……"
Buddha Zu the complexion is constant, "ha ha" says with smile:"Momentary, he can recruit several must bad very quite good.Is bad very the ability is limited, can bully ghost, or at dark of the place scare the common run of people, what to face is bodhisattva gold at present body, they only the stem stare of.At various Buddha all ability with block ten thousand, as a result the problem isn't big.They would like to come, make us along together solve.Do once and for all."
Turn Wang Xin in slightly Anne, slowly kept on backing.
Leaf Hao sky but feel that the affair isn't so simple.The true absolute being isn't an of no importance, the dinner said by it necessarily has, but what is that meeting ?
Worry in his heart, have to order to open nine treasure full blasts in the sky, try to fish for reason among them.
The time isn't big, nine article lotus set initiatives report a report:"Fruit not it however, bad very just in the middle of coming together, have already come together 8,000,000 currently!"
Again lead in a short while, the turtle mirror reports to report:"The yin and yang method round opens!Unexpectedly!His Niang unexpectedly comes to know so all alone and not when turn a method to rotate 36 kinds of Malicious ghosts, grow 100,000 each time of number.Is a food to annoy ghost, eat method ghost, eat frogman, eat a blood ghost, food to vomit the ghost, food hair ghost respectively, have no food the ghost, the ghost of Chi Ran and disease go ghost, weald ghost, food joss-stick ghost, desire sex maniac ……Luo Cha ghost etc..Is each kinds of than bad very still severe decuple!Oh!Still have ……the true absolute being recruit to several thousand again!Several thousand evil head ah ……is not sportful ……"
The words sound didn't fall and touched with spiritual treasure jade to be also rush into joining in the fun:"The evil machine is accumulating ……start to work properly to accumulate in ……the ghost machine accumulate in, a long distance inside average density 100,000!Is dangerous!Is extreme danger!"
Leaf Hao the sky just wanted to report the above-mentioned circumstance Buddha Zu, the at heart spread nine article lotus sets again of surprised shout of voice:"The important event isn't good!Cluster evil Shi Gong, help bad very get stripe!Is bad to very advance to evil very!The power increases 3000%!"
Leaf Hao the sky sat not to live any further and flew to soon spread sound and Buddha Zu.
The Buddha Zu smells the speech remain complexion constant and just put to put a hand to him and spread a sound to come over at the same time"soldier's coming to will block, water comes to soil to flood,Beats By Dre Justbeats, afraid of?Kill to see, will your aring so my Buddha to believe in many people be vegetarian?"
Leaf Hao 100 favours in the sky in took aim to take aim orchid son, discovering her complexion was very white, facial expression strain, hurriedly stretch hand to live her Lan, spread a sound way at the same time:"Do not fear, greatly not we take to the heels and then run!Let Buddha Zu the crest write!"
The orchid son unwillingly smiles, a hands hold firmly his dress Jin.
Deal with bad person still a little bit good many, deal with a while so many bad very, her in the mind doesn't lift many strain.
Led in a short while, Jian the crazy interjection that resist to print in the sky spread to come over:"The Qi reports host!The situation is far from good!I am responsible for inspecting 6 and control a dynamic state in the world and just and diligently inspected for a while, the important event isn't good!"
In leaf the Hao heart in the sky one Zhan:"Say quickly, actually and what is the row?Don't round a turn of son!"
The sky of the Jian resists to print a way:"The world is greatly disorderly, six all Wei!Hungry ghost way, hellish way shortage's being a Lyu, but fixing Luo's way unexpectedly is eager for action!This is getting farer from good!Fixing Luo's war capability is the strongest, if with all strength BE, a nine grounds of bodhisattva can beat lead 3, 5 fix Luo, a Buddha also the difficult enemy is 100 fix Luo of lay siege to.If count 100,000 of fix Luo to toghter offend to come up, that ……"
Leaf Hao the sky is utterly confused:"This ……be the ability of the true absolute being so strong?Could you operate six boundaries?"
The sky of the Jian resists to print to answer a way:"Is six one by one in order is a God's way, fix Luo's way, humality, beast way, hungry ghost way and hellish way.The God's way is resided to the Dian of six transmigration of souls, the true absolute being is a super evil head, and is an open sky of Kui star gentleman, big Kui man son,beats by dre, capability Gao Ju Zhong Related articles:

