
Beats By Dre Justbeats of the attack was

Wei slightly open will move to a fatal blow .relationresultThe otherhand samurai sword seems to be the title .And not to yield a step to cut barbed fighting for a long time,dr dre cheap, even no roll edge .
Combat thrust is almost natural restraint samurai sword and weapon, even with such a metamorphosis guy ,let Li Weimeng begat retreat meaning ,he is to engage in chemical weapons stockpiles ,but not here to PK ,after all, Aoba once warned still whispering in each other ,any person action not weak in his ,if a two to one ,Li Wei no surviving theory .
relationresultPerhaps theAoba and keep a dueling arena .No insert on one hand ,only in the side of coldly watching, Li Wei vigilance is still unabated .relationresultThe handcannot help a slip ,Li Wei eventually cannot resist each other like the inexhaustible hacking ,fighting the thorn was swung open half rule ,master match even one will become fatal loss ,Li Wei a cool mind .
Explosive skill is not urgent ,the other is extremely vicious, without hesitation, took the opportunity to seize the opportunity ,Beats By Dre Justbeats.Burst with a roar ,samurai sword homeopathic chopping knife to Li Wei ,seem to want to cut off Li Wei off .
relationresultLooking atJapanese eyes flashing light within the bloodthirsty ,as full back Li Wei parry ,listen to when a loud crack .Mars direct splash .Samurai sword clung to his neck was students choke stop edge strength ,Beats By Dre Diamond,Li Wei hold fighting thorn hand almost lost consciousness .
His eyes moved to his side ,two feet long Qingfeng Duan Jiansheng frame on his neck ,and his fighting spines together hold Knight Sword to strike .relationresultLi Wei almost cracked a cut ,spilled blood, if not the stylet hold ,I am afraid that he is trying to get back to also can not sustain such a knife ,Li Wei turned to see I do not know when appear in their own side leaf, that moment, Aoba suddenly shot just from the other side of the samurai sword save own a small life .
relationresultBrother ! Li Wei from Aoba without any expression ,also do not know what kind of crazy Aoba senior fellow apprentice ,while on their own cry cry kill ,while from the hands of the Japanese and draught .
relationresultTheFan Guowen is that a knife to frighten is broken ,the muzzle firmly lock that holds the Japanese samurai sword ,as long as the other side to begin, he immediately opened fire, even exposure position themselves also at .
relationresultEight GA !Green !What on earth do you want? Draw back the Japanese samurai sword took a step back, ready ,savagely on leaf .relationresultAobastylet cross in front of the chest ,coldly replied : Liukawa Yayoi ,you should have enough ! leaf position was to hold the Japanese any attempt to attack Li Weidi direction .
relationresultRiskfrom the jaws of death on walked Li Weidao smoking a cold ,not a word ,try to adjust respiratory recovery body works ,implicit in the distance to Fan Guowen in the just hasn shot opportunity ,the location of two changes a see things in a blur ,this level of combat root not Fan Guowen in this level of the top of God the Gunners can get started .
relationresultAoba Jun ,you dare to rebel against the Empire of Japan ?! hold a samurai sword Liukawa Yayoi put out the smoke chopping knife position showed hostility ,seem to be just stopped their leaf defining a knife and very dissatisfied ,showing aggressive ,completely will just and Aoba fight side by side .
relationresultI breeze view family ,don join ! Aoba not to yield a step ,seems to Li Wei stint with the Japanese confrontation .relationresultYou !Good !Today ,I have a look ,what is your Qingfeng sword .
I cut the wind !You and me a distinction ! be Aoba words aroused fierce of Liukawa Yayoi appears regardless of the surrounding is still in the battlefield, even to the leaves out the challenges .
relationresultm willing! Aoba but have no scruples ,two feet of Qingfeng gleaming at the Yagyu indemnity ,hum! Front fibrillation chirp unexpectedly and Li Wei fighting thorn fibrillation Ming run in the same groove .
relationresultNear the fightinghas ended ,a large build-up over the Japanese soldiers torched the attacks ,more than half of the attack was forced to retreat casualties ,the Japanese took the opportunity to attack the past ,the site has only one to the dead and wounded .
As the leaves and Liukawa Yoji two people created an atmosphere filled with death duel field .relationresultHey!- Yayoi moved his footsteps ,samurai sword conversion with posture ,blade through the air ,also seems to hear the open air hissing silk sound .
relationresultAobaturned a little behind ,Li Wei has disappeared, and left in situ it is the fool .relationresultTwo people scatteredout of the invisible hand hammer momentum in the air ,even let earth groaned and wounded were shut up .
relationresultGive the officer to stop! shout ,suddenly let leaves and Liukawa Yayoi momentum is one of relief .relationresultSakamoto Monsignor Da Zuo ! Liukawa Yayoi immediately gave up the fight, do not look at a glance up samurai sword leaf ,a standard ninety degrees at a dozen Japanese sergeant is surrounded by a Japanese officer bowed down .
Since the ancient times knight is to name the effectiveness for a living .Liukawa Yoji did not dare to defy the rigid hierarchy .relationresultAobawas only slightly nodded : Sakamoto Osa ! always remain aloof alone he can always actively greet is praiseworthy for one .
relationresultThe two of you ,are the pillars of the Empire of japan .On the battlefield fighting what ! Top with a coterie of health to Sakamoto Osa all over the face with anger ,went forward to the hand is a slap in the face pulling at Liukawa Yayoi ,and shouts : green leaf gentleman is big, Imperial General Headquarters the department assigned to assist our guest high hand ,you should fully cooperate with him, how can such a rude ! , relationresultThisface is clear and loud ! Hey ! the battlefield of bloodlust Liukawa Yayoi now seems to become a little lamb ,graduate students face the face, mouth can only be answered ,and once again the bowing to Sakamoto Osa ,at the head of the moment .
No one saw him in fleeting that a vindictive hatred .relationresultGreen leaf gentleman! Please forgive this officer rudeness ,I represent him to apologize to you . Sakamoto Osa is very polite to Aoba slightly .
relationresultSakamoto adults do not bother ! Aoba some be overwhelmed by an unexpected favour quickly favor ,don see these Japanese respectful ,but my face murder can not be .relationresultGood !The enemy had been repulsed, we why not sit down and have a drink! Sakamoto seemed to know about Liukawa Yoji and leaves a disagreement between the private ,mutual ill-affected ,he thought that two people is therefore infighting .
Quickly transfer two the world ,and slow atmosphere ,this case is missing is be inopportune or inappropriate .relationresultHumph ! Liukawa Yoji continues to stop myself to heart leaf .
Have to humble ,respectfully on Sakamoto Da Zuo said: thanks to Da Zuo your reward ! he seems to forget just with their fight to guy on earth is an enemy or one of their own ,just battlefield enemy together, chaos ,he only knew the guy and Aoba is known .
The heart is no good time .Don with Aoba talk much ,not who asked the guy .Behoove that was just a mistake ,also did not continue to dwell on it .relationresultIf you insist ! Aoba slightly bow ,as though he had nothing to students ,he also appear to be Li Wei to forget .
relationresultBoth parties,they will naturally or half unconsciously Li Wei this party to leakage of the past, in the vicinity of Qigihar ,Li Wei practiced as weapons fighting thorn in the north so famous .
relationresultLi Weinow is hiding in a shadow corner gasping for breath ,sweat soaked clothes almost behind Fan Guowen ,accompanied by his side, as well as sweat ,just as the Yagyu deadly knife almost let him think Li Wei is dead . Related articles:

