
Beats Solo HD 9-11-17134802 chap

 Su's shaking any further 2 people are lazy to manage him, pulling and dragging of a strength son the disgusted things on the body, but how also pull not to come down.
Work properly old Zu of cat to looking at 2 people, in the eye was full of ferocious mien, but he knows now not just time, wait until two at the time that people grossed out, affirmation would cannot help but using true dollar dint of, at that time bite a dollar liquid then sent big use, oneself when the time comes accepted to bite a dollar liquid, canning not help their 2 people's true dollar dint will drive they's absorption, that fairy machine will be own, pupil disciple shake to those Sus, its pouring has never put in the mind, oneself after all has some to bite a dollar liquid.
And work properly old Zu of cat don't dare to come forward to take advantage of an opportunity to kill 2 people as well, after all his oneself also has a true dollar, so he can wait for 2 people grossing out to release a true dollar, that time was 2 people's dead to expect!
This thing was a puzzling person to throw the incoming several days ago, and still mysterious Xi Xi of, up explained method of using, and told him time for using, he was always very puzzling to this, but always feel where some not to, but can protect a life be getting more very good, so also half believe and half doubtly received, but on using today, indeed as expected make, not from of penitence just sprinkled many, originally only one lesser half go, he doesn't know the power of this thing, so also for making of a brain greater half, once waited in a short while just discover, regret of want to die, this but protect the thing of life!
Led in a short while, see 2 people no longer manage themselveses, worked properly old Zu of cat to also retract hole in, there is still 1 F outside this hole forbid to make, but they leave of those people had no fairy machine, the nature could not break as well, so he pours is very trust, and he also isn't afraid of someone to save, as long as was stained with and then will be also absorbed up, he nature is hope to be more many more good.
To far sign at fly sword up, it is good to hard put, urgently get heel hot the ant on the pot, a twist a head, suddenly see the uncanny facial expression that the Hong flies, not from of strange way:
"The Hong flies, are you why?"
"--Have no ……nothing important."The Hong flies a favour dissimulation way.
To far also have no to think more, hasty way:
"This can how is good ……how do ……how do?"Simultaneously say part at fly a rocking of the sword top return head, is very anxious.
"Senior, we urgently didn't also use, could wait and saw teacher Zu, and they crack by themselves."The Hong flies to then lightly advise a way, in his heart but know the power of this thing of, that basically be not generally fix true can can relieve.
"Is alas …… also canned be so ……" to far idea pure, certainly don't thought of the ways in it.
2 people dided not talk again and all saw to work properly cat hole, that direction, only the Hong flies one face cool, but to far one face then is nervous.
And Liu Yu Tong and Sus shake a circumstance not so good, Liu Yu Tong is also lazy to lambaste to work properly old Zu of cat, just a strength son of, by hand bite a dollar liquid to those and jilt and go downward, but how also jilt not to drop, although have never used a true dollar dint, after all have the fluxion of true dollar dint inside two human bodies, so bite a dollar liquid now although don't produce result, still the absorbing of prison prison is on the body of, is as general as that horseleech, although in the body that just glued a person, don't suck out blood, it can already feel the blood of human body, so is how to would not like to come down, either.
2 people very anger Men, the original capability is soer many than that beast high, who knew finally and still became so, let he two how can not also accept, simultaneously where put out strength jilting of son one those are disgusted of liquid, part the in the mind lambaste.
Su shakes in the moment of turning the head and suddenly discovers that there being unexpectedly no little bit on the half arm that oneself takes gold Luo the fork for sky bites a dollar liquid, this detection makes him happily excrescent, he is understand, finally found out the method for cracking-very obvious, the gold Luo fork in the sky not afraid bite a dollar liquid.
This principle Su shook to also gradually understand, nothing but five lines of of method, the gold Luo fork in the sky belongs to a gold, while this bites a dollar liquid to come from biting a dollar tree, is the wood liquid that bites a dollar tree tree heart, although is a liquid,do not belong to water to go, but belong to a wood to go, original gold gram wood this is the person to to the utmost all know, helpless this bites a dollar liquid too violent in action, fix working properly of true boundary although the machine has a heavy part also belongs to a gold,is still to cannot compare with, such as that Liu's rain Tong hand of in the article work properly sword and still be stained with full bite a dollar liquid, the slowly diming of the glory of sword down.
And this gold Luo fork in the sky is a low grade fairy machine, don't belong to the thing of this boundary, Be not afraid of these things naturally, so the gold gram wood also took care of to use naturally.
Thoughted of these, Su shakes to can not help greatly elated and sees also appear variety to the look in the eyes that works properly old Zu of cat, that is to see dead a person a similar look in the eyes.
But work properly old Zu of cat fierce on coming in contact with this look in the eyes, Tu ground in heart Zhan for a while, uneasy feeling immediately and since then, not from puzzle, just he has already affirmed 2 people to is certain to die, but now along with this look in the eyes, this kind of felt gradual dissipation in his heart.
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Is a spool of to go into any chapter 88 to bite a dollar liquid(bottom)
Renew time:2009-11-1713:48:02 chapter word numbers:2850

Su shook to press down the joy in the heart, gradually quelled repeatedly excited, slowly moved the gold Luo fork in the sky in the hand to in the arm of left side, very carefully let out a true dollar of one silk dint, he this but embrace risk of, not successful, that waits for his,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, also only true dollar the dint be bitten a dollar liquid to suck dry an one way, so, grip gold Luo the hand of fork for sky in also Qin repeatedly of sweat, the body is tiny to shiver.
Treat that true dollar dint slowly after infusing into the gold Luo fork in the sky, the gold Luo fork in the sky is then tiny to tinily be suffused with to have a burst of gold of the glory in yellow, however the strength is too small, so is a bit hazy, but that evidence that bites a dollar liquid has been already eliminated to fade already-have a door!
Su shakes to see this gold Luo fork in the sky to have this to use, isn't got up by excitement in the heart, slowly enlarged importation speed,Beats by Dre Just Beats, the true dollar dint seamlessly inputed the gold Luo fork in the sky, again along with this the stiring up of fairy machine, that aureate ripples then the rippling of a turn per turn opened, and took that gold Luo fork in the sky as center and bit a dollar liquid on all sides gradual disappearance also, current of air become a continuously, the dissipation is in the sky.
Liu Yu Tong just while doing not already is raving fury,Beats Solo HD, suddenly see this act, the mouths all match a Long mouth not, a very foolish appearance.
Worked properly old Zu of cat to also notice, also saw some clues to come out, in the heart a surprised, know not good, also could not considered of to love, the favour bites the havings that the hand up leave, a dollar liquids all threw to go out and certainly certainly looking at this acted.
Along with end of those bit all of a dollar liquids to sprinkle Su shakes of in the body, on his body of those glued to densely and more and more obstruct his activity and moved to all want to use very big energy for a while, again again prop up the operation of the gold Luo fork in the sky, let Su earthquake very is exhausting.
Led in a short while, Su shook and then had to stop down, the continuously heavy pauses for breath, after following a heavy way of gold Dan, he hasn't been like so tired lead, and drag along him the state of returning to the ordinary mortal a while, make him some helpless, not from of towarded Liu Yu Tong's wry smile to get up.
And Liu Yu Tong also returned to absolute being to come and also understood Su earthquake at stem what, in the heart also excitement get up, however see Su shake a practical ability so in a short while, tired become so, also understand this demand time, however fix really have no years, they are also not concerned these time, anyway work properly old Zu of cat be also blocked up by 2 people here, where can not also go, so also worry so much for the nothing important.
"Ha ha, old Su, how, feel quite good like this?"The regrets way of Liu Yu Tong.
"Is alas-you old guy, dead tired I, you return a joke I, skin Yang Yang BE?"Su shakes to angrily keep huming.
"Come-who afraid who!"Liu Yu Tong where made threatening gestures.
These two old guys are in a short while together canning not lead the Dou rise a mouth, who also defy who, think at the beginning Related articles:

