
google leads long the hand

 The  Chuan station Xuan hasn't canned recover the spirit blood in the heart, red turn over an absolute being Jue way again clearly:"Nine celestial spirits sword disc-put~to death fairy sword!!!"Three colors being nine only and suddenly became gorgeous and dazzling silver white, all fairy in the minds rose a kind of not good felling, the fairy in the body works properly of the heart imitated Buddhas to all be subjected to a certain tie, because this is to put~to death the light of fair!!


The  Chuan station Xuan the first-time in the mind came out preparing of bad omen feeling, he was finally understand red clear why will become several boundaries first superior, red fix clearly for isn't the tallest in several boundaries of, but the absolute being machine controled by him, absolute can line up in this several boundaries first, this several boundaries how can appear thus the absolute being machine of the violent in action, listen to"top" say in the absolute being area to have no fixing of celestial spirits for, don't almost and impossibly own the first grade absolute being machine.


The  current circumstance has already canned not make him think more, because the sword being nine has been already opened, nine day, the sword annoy as if creation of the world generally crary to spread on all sides, seeming and squelching everything can impede its material.Chuan station Xuan will green very the absolute being knife is horizontal before chest, deploy to together forbid to make.However the arrogant sword spirit still bumps his very far, in the mind's imitating a Buddha be knocked for a while by the huge hammer.


The  is red now clear the square circle of station position 100 inside inside whole be been flat ground by the Yi, "Weng" of a , the sword in one regiment silver white is shining to rise, direct with the speed of the lightning flash sort dynasty Chuan the station Xuan hurtled pass by.The Chuan station Xuan is after all a thou fairy, expressed at this time thou the fairy profoundly fix for and dispassion, he feels to fly of silver light different send forth usually of sword spirit make people feel asphyxiation.


The  Chuan station Xuan works properly to definitely turn over, the incarnation must wants to avoid being seen to pass by.Is red clearly evil evilly say with smile:"Hey Hey, the incarnation is must each good choice, but you forgot it call put~to death fairy sword, how can distinction not the fairy work properly of the essence of spirit, ha ha~~" indeed as expected, the silver only and the slightest didn't be subjected to the influence for dividing time, the nowise unable to decidely with an upward exposure square essence shoots.


The  Chuan the station Xuan is helpless, luck foot whole body of capability, wield green very absolute being knife dynasty the silver only split to go, the absolute being knife becomes to open mountain huge knife and trail ferocious mien and silver to only bump shot at together.One of "Ding~~~" is long to blare, Chuan station Xuan of vomit two people Jing blood, although put together to make an effort have already put~to death fairy sword to block a time,put~to death fairy swor the spirit will have already made fairy body suffer, green very the absolute being knife pass by to so vigorously bump shot to also suffer from some harms.


The  put~to death fairy sword to gleam to play to open of time, red suddenly appear clearly at sky, once connected to put~to death fairy sword to comply with the surroundin is a sword sting.Is red and just see clearly put~to death the shape of the fairy sword clearly at this time, the flat long rhombus sword body looks very unique, the edge of sword has the thou plain rhombus wood grain and give people 1 kind just hard feeling, that wood grain is to let all fairies for of the put~toing death of afraid fairy line!The hilt of a sword is straight, present ten word-like in shape.


Inside the  Chuan the station Xuan fairy body already drive put~to death fairy sword the spirit wring confusion and matchlessly, the violent ache having long time no see makes him some to take not rise green very absolute being knife, if drive put~to death fairy sword sting to the point certainly is certain to die, he just understands now what thou the body of the fairy is all of deathless bodies are useless talks, the deathless body is opposite, that is to don't meet the thing that can result in threat just.


The  Chuan station Xuan spares no effort to wield green very the absolute being knife space block, each with put~to death fairy sword to bump shot for a while in will spew out Jing blood.Is red to then excitedly give a long whistle 1 clearly, roar with laughter a way:"Really was too generous, the felling for hitting persons is good, quack~~" he tightly holds to put~to death fairy swor, the absolute being Yi of the luck foot whole body dint, also lazy must use what absolute being Jue and technique, hard split hard chop down hard slice a hard sting.


The  put~to death a continuous attack of fairy sword to make Chuan the station Xuan fairy in the body work properly of the heart has already arrived to collapse of edge, and put~to death fairy sword the spirit seem to have prints the fairy works properly of heart of evidence, this lets Chuan station Xuan the in the mind is struck with panic, he knows once the fairy works properly of the heart be sealed to print, take oneself to is certain to die, but now be covered with by the sword spirit can not succeed in escaping at all.


The  Chuan station Xuan once the eye pupil turn and bellow 1 after impeding a daunt and set up for to faint to die in the past, the ugly face was wrinkly at have already done not the least bit reflect together.Is red the station Xuan splitting just greatly clearly, seeing a Chuan fly to go out to lie at ground up, he is to not is to should repair the time for a while in the hesitation, a burst of quickly passing time flash across, the Chuan station Xuan has already disappeared to be missing.


The air of  spreads to break slowly of laughter:"Ha ha~~think ……want to kill me ……wait again for several ten thousand yearses."Is red clear while reading a to turn, being just preparing to let out to put~to death fairy swor, heart suddenly the air spreads 1:"Oh!This is what ……"a aureate small bird trail seven colourful absolute being lights to move the Chuan station Xuan going out to block down in a sudden.


The  innocent figure appears at flank, cry to lose a face to say:"I very miserably, even see a birds not to live, let it flies to run about aimlessly indiscriminately and have who compare I miserably~~" Chuan station Xuan discovers that I has already canned not move in a sudden, the in the mind is shocked matchless, this is what forbid a method for making treasure, incredibly can track to forbid to make!!!


The  is innocent to cry the face of funeral and slowly smile:While being in fact just red clear to fight with Chuan station Xuan "ha ha, however you in a short while than I more miserably, I finally find out than me still miserably of person, ha ha~~" is always innocent at one side observation, be he see a Chuan the station Xuan fly to go out of time know this guy to want to run, O.K. and early have preparation.


The  is red to move to come over in a sudden clearly, called a way:"Is innocent, quite good, indeed as expected is still old hot, quack~~" is innocent to ignore red clear, wave hand way:"Want to do what begin quickly, don't so many useless talks, does my old family still have an important affair to do."The Chuan station Xuan hurriedly says:"You ……can not kill me!I know a lot ……the affair that you don't know, you killed me what can't know, either!"


The  red clear Nao wears head, evil evilly say with smile:"Hey Hey, your words do I dare to believe?"Turn a head to spread a sound way:"Is innocent, in our person who understand a 迴 soul to curse magical power like this?"Is innocent to also follow evil say with smile:"Hey Hey, your boy can be really bad, piano Xiao 2 people's wife wood the female and pleased females are the superiors of this aspect, at thou fairy in is all well-known, the Gu spreads a person that day will also, however fix for don't go."


The  is red clear just thinking seek a wood the female and pleased female help, he suddenly thought of evil spirit son and turned a cloud Yu and evil spirit son appear at in front, looking at eyes of evil spirit son swollen and inflamed, seemed to once cry, red hurriedly run to left for a hippies smiling face way clearly:"My small ancestor you are all right?Words eldest brother affirmation that you occupy wants to kill mine!"


The  is originally red clear at and Chuan the station Xuan fight of time, cold female their save a person the activity is also carrying on, those ten embattled fairies are very intelligent, they make use of the absolute being machine in the hand to one by one in order resist to come the fairy of saving the person, and this can impede an enemy and can maintain absolute space, can't collapse.


 However is regrettable is that their real strenght isn't enough strong, if is ten ancient fairies may be hard to break, can be in the middle the fairy having severals to be just hole fix for, think in the Bei shell,google, wave the ancient fairy in front that melt these to have real strenght they seem to be pretty much weak, at ten greatly protect boundary to make of apply together under, 10 people constitute of space absolute being was broken up.


The  absolute being breaks up for an instant, ten greatly protect boundary to make to dash up, tie up 1 respectively, let them no longer have the opportunity cloth, but cloud Yu then moved to embrace the evil spirit son of walking in the past in a sudden.


The  evil spirit son leads long the hand of cloud Yu, sweet girlish voice way:"I am all right, just they break their necks each time that absorbing the energy in my body is very suffered, the not so bad origin strength can not literally absorb, thanking you can help to work properly ghost boundary!"The reason evil spirit son is so polite is that being red is clearly different from Li Qiang, they and red clear oneself of the relation can not calculate still pretty much annoyed him before well, if wasn't Li Qiang's explaination may be red can't manage clearly so many.


The  red clear head of kept on planting, consumedly of say:"Need not and I am so polite, you are my small ancestor, who have an accident to can not make you have an accident, either, we are family, you are the baby of my eldest brother, also my baby,

