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And the wall becoming unexpectedly also started producing one tiny not it is thus clear that of fine thread.
Later on, the this hair half thick thin fine thread starts to be continuously extending.
Bomb ……
In the middle of being a burst of and bellowing a voice, several tons of laboratories top part still slid.
In the middle of bellowing a voice, the black hair man's face top appears of all of all are a Yi hu ò.
Why, why will I get mad?
Why,beats by dre solo, why clearly should of move, but don't use.
A silk cool breeze once kisses, the man lifted up head to see the night sky that the beautiful heavy star embellishes all of a sudden.
All of everythings are thus of fine, but these are two simple of question, but always flick in the black hair man's heart it don't go.
Oneself is just original meaning, not directs use'cut star sword', but prepared to is an use'divided time together a body', the increment operated axis, then used the shield of black smoke and reflected all death rays to shoot line at the same time, then the shot ruins a machine warrior.
But, "divide time together a body" has no of the reaction , yes, have no reaction, , own of'memory'in is should be able to.
This a moment, under the beautiful star sky, the black hair man is getting iner mental concentration, the facial expression on the face starts to be misty.
Manikin alliance, heavy A city.
If the night sinks.
Dense accumulated rain water cloud layer after layer droop at the top of head of heavy A city on.
Have no star, have no month.
But heavy A city that a few clear lights that is pitiful, in the time that this storm will soon arrive at, is seem to be thus of helpless and solitary, at any time all anywhere seem meeting drive wear endless blackness to put out generally.
And among them of a clear light under, is also weighed A castellan mansion at first in, Qian Ge was some be worry of through generous of window, title see toward that beyond the horizon low short but decorous rain cloud.
"Ah!Don't go!"Do not know that Qian Ge thoughted of what, cannot help but sighing an one breath.
After"if more time like, " is tiny to tinily stop for a while, Qian Ge continues to soliloquize a way, "or-I am aer little bit cruel good."
Livelong two days, Qian Ge for coping with the great crisis that will soon arrive at, Qian Ge decides to adopt urgent draft call.
Is also catch young fellow.
On the first day, Qian Ge keeps in mind the mood of Tan Te and very carefully carries out this to plan, the reason of the Tan Te is frightened blood leaf's objection, although, nominally, Zhang Hua faced the time walking to hand over to the whole heavy A cities all himself/herself, ……
That blamed guy unexpectedly turns the spirit to the blood that the one damn to stayed down.
But among them most is hateful of BE, that cuts off a beautiful cold gorgeous blood leaf.
She is the high mountain that she can not exceed, but beautiful woman relationship with Zhang Hua, being almost an idiocieses will know, but all everythings, all let money space gnash the teeth with hatred, oneself beats again and again however, at this strength sovereign ages, oneself almost has no of opportunity.
So, speak of, this city in the biggest officer is still a blood leaf.
So, conscript process on the first day in, although some engaging figures appear in the distance of on all sides, , make money space very satisfied BE, they what don't also do, just saw, then had no anily mean.
This is the tacit consent, Qian Ge thinks thus.
And fact also really is such, there is since no any worry.
Qian Ge's of course not receives guest spirit.
Just advertised for more than 3,000 well-known scholars on the first day soldier, this is for blood leaf of sound out.
Since sound out success, Qian Ge no longer hesitates, the beginning gets up crazily, the second day, 10,000 soldiers are targets.
However, process not smoothly, after a burst of chicken flew a dog to jump, three riots took place.
Several thousand people's riot almost lets money space almost be expeled a city.
Reason's pouring is very of simple, only with lend 2,000 soldiers of oneself and 5,000 reformation persons, dealing with these peacetimes is the red manikin residents of brutal blood relationship but some lack the ability to do.
And, the horse of own person scattered naturally due to needing to be responsible for a guarding of city wall and taking precautions against.
But suddenly and violently people terror of blunt power, almost let money space almost prepare a city to escape.
However, in the most decisive time, the Fei red figure appears, they bring like the demon, like the colourful Die of is death.
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Chapter 546 Tu goes into
The sky sunk in the that y ī n under, the Fei red figure suddenly appeared.,
Is exactly a morale highly and suddenly and violently the people, obviously have already been been blunt to faint brains by the vehemence of Hui Hong, tiny tiny an astounded after, about thousand of suddenly and violently the people wield the war ax in the he or she's hand and rush at the young girls of distance standing gracefully not.
War AN of the Mao Lang Lang at body on sent out repeatedly fricatives, but giving of the biggest degree the host is with the matchless sense of security.
All have some to despise those Fei in all red manikin hearts red young girl, that handle the weak bow is a such commonness, can really shoot the battle armor of wearing oneself?
So, almost use suddenly and violently people to all press forward with indomitable will, have no to be afraid.
The young girls left arm slowly lifts, the action is beautiful, enjoy please the eye, but assault in of red manikin heart in a pleased, when, still just here ain't not urgently slow, take the young girls lift brachial time, the manikins unexpectedly of the distance of drew near several meters.
Then, the right hand of the young girls takes arrows to pay, don't know when, on putting on a blood, just like one the clear stream putting on is general, take strange of fluxion, flowed bow and arrow and bow body on, turn an eye, this just still common make type bow and arrow, reformation for the sake of a chased a ferocious weapon involved in murder.
Release, up play, release, ……such as easy style of writing general action, start in the beginning, dance the remnants shadow of the one, came to a the tallest speed.
Then, numerous arrowses of blood that break to get empty but go to, let the assaulting of the manikinses power head that the steel of red s è wraps up for of one Zhi, after, become the manikin of slice fell flop.
Eyes, throat, wrist, knee, waist eye, everything didn't weigh the part of A protection, is all target of the arrows of blood.
But red manikin residents body is gorgeous and practical of heavy A, but don't develop for 100 centses it all the function that has.
"Mama!"After one shout, suddenly and violently the people beginning turns round to flee for life, for don't win possible opponent, suddenly and violently people but have no interest go to with egg shot stone of.
Weigh A city certainly in is to don't lack the brave, however, that is before, Zhang Hua arrived of time, a few ruthlessness combats, almost let these braves all leave behind at everywhere of battlefield in, the loess became a to put on, or, the Wu worked properly a Tyrannosaurus ride.
So, is tiny tiny on suffering a defeat, suddenly and violently the people then started to be dispersed but escaped.
However, the near war warrior thinks the shooter is from the long range, be still the absolute being shooter's arrows bottom flee for life, generally will pay a miserably heavy price.
For example now, about thousand people escape, didn't°yet the distance of 50 meters, already fall flop livelong more than 200 persons, time just just lead very short five seconds of appearance.
Obviously, the young girls for back shoot-to-kill enemy, more of proficient.
If this continues, all people all only a result, that be, lie here.
However, one is huge to roar to suddenly ring out, the change leaves suddenly and violently the people's destiny"stop!"
Muffled thunder as if general of roaring cry, then the blood turned spirit and red manikin both partieses to all concentrate the vision to a city wall on of that Gao greatly red body of s è on.
In fact, Qian Ge just blurted out, some penitence, especially the blood turned the vision of the spirits to concentrate own Related articles:

