
beats by dre studio hd tand thisWhat don't

, How to arrive me this to have no a happy matter?
Piece:That you must want to open by yourself.
Guo:All day the home outside is all sad.
Piece:Meet what matter?
Guo:The kid is also unreasonable, don't see my age not old, do I return son Liang.A day also nothing important the serious matter is dry.What about big son and outside bring calamity every day.
Piece:Lo lo.
Guo:Person does the Xing text Zhao home lead a birthday, he goes to and adds for person.(Xu De Liang Xing text the Zhao just once made a greatly last life)
(Xu De Liang takes a big hammer up, take figure)
Guo:Didn't take medicine, this.Be free, go to.
(Xu De Liang takes a figure bottom)
Guo:This doesn't know whose unscrupulous disciple as well.
Piece:Did my disciple recruit you?
Guo:On lifting this, he creates a big noise over there.My those two sons ……
Piece:Say your two sons.
Guo:Two sons are also angry.I say that you buy a box of smoke to go to and go out and the poor poverty of smoke seller, kneel down for person.You say my this in the mindses to mostly aren't tastes.
Piece:That isn't your two sons.(Blunt Xing text Zhao)beat him!
(The Xing text Zhao takes to chop down knife up)
Guo:You go to go to, Be free, don't say you, we does this say Xu De Liang.
(Xu De Liang up)
Guo:You still have already finished don't finish!
(2 people next)
Guo:You say this trifle ……
Piece:Have a little much.
Guo:Xu De Liang, high peak, are all of this good persons?
Piece:Did we recruit you to ask for you?
Guo:Be not, my in the mind is suffered!It isn't a taste.
Piece:You say yours.
Guo:You say somebody else's an of and all drive car and go home villa, how arrive me is this so miserably.
Piece:You don't calculate as well miserably.
Guo:30 quite a fews, connect a term presidents have never been.
Piece:Do you want to think so that you miserably wear.
Guo:, When ability round top I,beats by dre studio hd, till now I still does the house renting live.
Piece:You hope and have already burned cloud a round flat cake to be a president you to deliver.
Guo:, The baked wheat cake is also cloud word of?Recently, rent one building, big miscellaneous hospital, 4.I live this, the opposite door is a , or so 2.The landlord is one old woman, live disorderly Huang in this in the mind.
Piece:Big miscellaneous hospital.
Guo:Big miscellaneous hospital!The opposite door lives this, isn't a good person.
Piece:Why of?
Guo:One female of, the Piao that pours Che is beautiful bright, go to work in the evening, the morning comes back.BE a young lady.I can not get use to this most !
Piece:Leaving this kind of person is a little bit far.
Guo:Do what not is have a meal of, pure why become prostitute without results.
Piece:Is also.
Guo:I sought that landlord old woman to go to, I said that you want to be unlucky do you know, you recruit her to live you this?She is a young lady, is making bird flu now ……
Piece:This matter your lane mixed, that chicken, isn't this chicken.
Guo:!Do you say that you don't with old Sir want to ask you to understand this?What don't deceive the person of somebody else's profession.
Piece:This is the scientific knowledge.
Guo:I I can not get use to this, I dislike this most .I heel once the old woman say, the old woman was frightened to death and got to that house in say to move move, give to bomb to walk.
Piece:That to.
Guo:I this is just happy.Is what a suck!Who make me want money!Can not get use to this!
Piece:(To Guo Ca Zui)eliminate disinfection, this bird flu, infect him.Have never told you to leave to live a chicken to far order?
Guo:I hate of Huang.Is two or so is not a good person either.
Piece:Is two or so is a stem what of?
Guo:The this place is a blacksmith, a carpenter here.
Piece:All of this are the technical personnels.
Guo:What technical personnel!All this year who still use chimney!He all day makes to order that sheet iron at home, be be be, be be be, be be bell Dang bell tinkling, be be bell Dang bell tinkling
Piece:This sings the west river big drum to change.
Guo:Live one carpenter here, all day the lane orders to anticipate to break in the house, the Ga Zhi Ga Zhi Ga Zhi Ga Zhi, Mao!Is vexed of I!Raise this plum, I cannot see!
Piece:Cannot see and then don't see.
Guo:I sought landlord old woman to go.
Piece:This time say for person what?
Guo:Old woman, you want again unlucky.This a pair person, ammunition trader!
Guo:One blacksmith is one carpenter, does a pair person secretively do hand grenade.The blacksmith does, the carpenter goes together with a pair of for him!
Piece:Your Sun not Sun!
Guo:Finish saying I went out.Come back a pair again person to tidy up thing in the yard.I happy get:Ah, this what is the row?Stem go to two of you?~~(Pour)walk, move house, don't live!~~
Piece:This person destroys, you lo lo!
Guo:You see, don't live enough, this matter makes, walking of good Yao Yang?~~(Pour)hi!Don't know as well which what bastard made bad!~~
Guo:Occupying says that the matter doesn't abuse people in public.~~(Pour)move house, walk!~~~You see this matter make, do I seek cartful for you?~~~(Pour)not fee that strength!~~
Guo:~~(Pour)I move his that house, he moves me this house.~~
Piece:Connect Chi to fight you.
Guo:I a see me moving.This hospital, didn't good person!Beat there are a words in Long Pao, the disloyal minister of one dynasty!Be like me this, , I this jade tree face the person of breeze, can I live a cake of with them?
Piece:That how do you do?
Guo:Move house!The outside of Xuan Wu Men, the altar son beard is together.
Piece:Sought building.
Guo:Hey, too good!Small yard very structure and form, only door only hospital, a month just 1,000 dollars.
Piece:Alas!, that can be not expensive!
Guo:This city in year Peking seeks building like this and have?
Piece:Don't have!
Guo:Give away foolishly similar!
Guo:Landlord Xing Men, the Men is three Yes.
Piece:Altar son beard together the Men is three Yes.
Guo:You catch to touch this beard together.Living to come in me is happy, good, oneself only door only hospital, heel who also not friendly intercourse.Still have an accident like this!
Piece:This what matter?
Guo:That morning gets up, beard together inside past fish seller.Stand this buys fish, beat that direction, Men three Yes came.
Piece:The landlord came.
Guo:Hold to turn stick.The Yes!Stem go to you which?Our winner moves to say "hello".
Piece:Say "hello" yes.
Guo:Ascend which go to master son?~~No.7 hospital, arrive a day, accepted building money to go!~~
Piece:, That hospital accepts building money to go.
Guo:Come, I this sits a meeting!~~Not, say again on the first!~~One ……
Piece:Is this what mean?
Guo:The first is my building money.
Piece:, Don't arrive a day the person is not.
Guo:Differ this how many days how, the Yes, have no this matter, beat this to lead you not to go in to sit a meeting?Drink glass water there is light on my face!
Piece:This words should say so.
Guo:Come to come!Our couple Chan wears old man and arrives at house inside.Sits toward this on tea of Qi, I say that you sit a short while, ten minutes I come back!Turn round to go out to do some matter.
Piece:This is a stem what go to?
Guo:Beard together the street have a local product building materials store to lead, this manager, Xing Wen, nickname old Yan, person in Shanxi.
Guo:He greatly and together opened small coal kiln in Shanxi in former times of, unusually lucky, point matter.
Piece:Is unusually lucky?Is unlucky, point matter.
Guo:Point matter.The Hu underneath is more than 100 workers, run this, open such a store.We 2 is a good friend, and is also the colleague of business.
Piece:, You with he is O.K..
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