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Rose to once scold Ba Tu, also participated in expensive from son's nephew's coup secretly plan.The coup receives an elder brother after failing won't in send to hand over to Ba Tu.Expect diagram to kill him.Receiving an elder brother is astute and tough, be good at handling governmental affairs, he put out big reason, conquer now west the Kang, Tibet and India pay that to take a land and send soldier's expedition and overrun now Bagdad, the capital city of Iraq, send a soldier to offend Korea and India and took captive large numbers of common people and wealth and properties back.Caspian Sea, mother river one the Moslem the wood La Yi religious section taking commit murder to revolt and send an assassin homicidal everywhere.Receive an elder brother to send six younger brother Xu the strong Wu west advertise for and assassinated this execution the religious section of policy to put out.Xu strong Wu again the west go and offend to break big religious leader of Islam admire inside hair of headquarters Bagdad.The Xu strong Wu sees in city in Bagdad big religious leader admire inside hair of the pole of palatial gaudiness, a big and tallly hide the jewelry in the pagoda to pile up like mountain, feel very astonished, admire inside hair call, you accumulated to gather so many gold and silver valuableses and exactly used to do what.You is what don't divide the valuables to the subordinate, make them lift a hand to dead to fight for you, protect your life and Bagdad.Admire an inside the hair don't know how answer be.Xu strong Wu way, you like valuables since and like this, this many valuableses I return to you.Hence admire an inside hair pass at hide a pagoda in, don't give him the food, say to him, all of these valuableses are yours, you have to eat and then eat like, no one comes to interfere with.Admire inside the hair toward the gold and silver wealth and properties of full tower, but the precious stone pearl can not be to eat for rice, exhausted on the seventh die.The Xu strong Wu sends Hahn people of subordinate again great commander Guo Kan Xi advertise for and strike against for a sky, building, sky building Sudan surrenders.Guo Kan crosses sea again to offend rich wave, Sudan on the island also surrenders.The Xu strong Wu is in Iran, Syria, once Iraq, Turkey and Saudi Arabia take to build up a big sweat country and be called the Yi son sweat country.The Yi son sweat country included contemporary all petroleum of Middle East to produce nation, frontier and Egypt connected.Egypt holdout mongols invades, the Islam refugee floods in in succession everywhere, so Egypt becomes the cultural center of Islam.The Xu strong Wu once proposed to the eastern empire king of Rome, marry his daughter.The eastern Rome king doesn't dare and refuse, but knows Mongolia the man marries a lot of wives, not willing to give up marry him to the princess, hence send own private give birth to daughter Maria to him.By that time, Maria's Xu strong Wu just pass away, Xu the son of the strong Wu eight admire married her.Eight admire lo on the cuckoldry noodles, treat a Catholic very good, don't add maltreatment, again with Pope, France etc. country establishment of diplomatic relations, mutual communication diplomatic corps.
The Suo Lu grain Ni thinks that in Genghis Khan's descendant, the Xu strong Wu should also be regarded as one a life time hero.The Suo Lu grain Ni also really admires to have skill most in daughter Genghis Khan of La sea don't Ji.She marries the son of Wang Gu Bu's Tribal chief first, the husband is clay-cold, remarry the son of the husband's elder brother, the husband dies again, and remarrying Zhao Wang Bei has to match.Four sons all led troops with the line, sent this princess to stay to guard an old house and was called Jian princess Guo when Genghis Khan's west advertised for.This Jian princess Guo handles politics to have much of a knowledge and usually judge very right.The Suo Lu grain Ni remembers that the Jian princess Guo's under charge contains several thousand female officers and maid and receives her order to carry out governmental affairs.At that time be responsible for the great commander that strikes against a gold country in the east is the wood China Li, meet soldier country important event, all want to instruct to the Jian princess Guo.Genghis Khan has another a daughter's cloth to as well fill a gram, Genghis Khan allows her Tribal chief of supply great department of Ji La.That Tribal chief dislikes her looks too ugly, Be not willing to marry her, Genghis Khan killed this Tribal chief.Great department of Ji La is Mongolia each in particularly the place of beauty.The that Tribal chief lifetime beauty saw much, unexpectedly even the princess of big sweat also feels to endure patiently.Genghis Khan's wife Pu son is a great Ji La department person, the many of his daughters-in-law, grandson's wife is also all this of woman.When arriving was suddenly necessarily strong, settled rules more, every two years once, arrived great Ji La to choose imperial concubine and maid-in-waiting.The thou of Kuang didn't have of Mongolia big empire, arrive Genghis Khan's inside in the grandson's hand to just be finished.But the foundation is what Genghis Khan establishes.The invincibility is at the world Mongolia the troops' whole military systems and military technique is also what Genghis Khan all alone build up.
The Suo Lu grain Ni also imagines a son to receive an elder brother ability elephant Genghis Khan so, the west advertises for world, the south puts out big Sung, the unification river's mountain.She isn't understand why at the beginning Genghis Khan's west advertise for meeting class teacher regression, just hear that Genghis Khan met in India river a kind of call the Cape carry of monster relevant.Genghis Khan for making track for firm orchid D of shot had been offending till shore in Hebei, India, but in fact Genghis Khan soon withdrew Afghanistan, didn't offend into India inshore.Eight inshore Las that get into India lead Mongolia soldier along the road to capture some cities, but investigated and searched for a few months, have been canning not find the trace of firm orchid D.At that time Lyu Chu material Wan the speech persuaded Genghis Khan to give up to make track for shot and withdrew from India.But Genghis Khan not only wants to continue to make track for firm orchid D of shot, but also needs to seize an opportunity to capture this land in India.Spreading Zhe at this time don't the troops military advance Gao Jia Suo's mountain, win the reinforcement of Qin Cha, advance troops Luo think of good news,cheap beats by dr dre.Hence the more resolute underground of Genghis Khan makes crosses river south go, render assistance eight Las, quell India, complete a big his empire industry quickly.Genghis Khan's troops offended India river in those early years, the Yao saw river steam a pound Bo, and the sunlight fan received.The officers and mens thirsty tongue is dry, descend to ride a drinking in succession, but river water heat Fei, not ability entrance.At this time officers and men top and bottom hatred continuously, very anxious to immediately the Chi return.The Lyu Chu's material just thinking again enter Jian and see suddenly river bank to appear one big monster.Genghis Khan orderanies curved bow of officers and men preparation shoot-to-kill, suddenly hear sound, very much resembling person's sound, imitate a Buddha to have a Ru lord to early return four words.The Lyu Chu's material immediately obstruct a bow and arrow hand and seize an opportunity to Genghis Khan say this kind of Rui monster named the Cape carry, is a God parties to come to Jing to tell Genghis Khan for keeping intact people's life, as early as possible class teacher of.Genghis Khan hence flatter heaven's will, don't march forward, return to Ma Ban Shi.Eight Las that is day the north return.After joining forces for battle, the rate soldier of Genghis Khan returns Mongolia.The Suo Lu grain Ni most admire of is Genghis Khan won to own several millions gold countries of battalions of 10000000 people and west the summer still spend a La son mold, she also hopes to receive the elder brother's non-commissioned officer, he/she rides to shoot, then Hai the rope tie with the plank, net it right away, come in and go out with the mother, 3 years old with the saddle of Suo.It is 45 years old to carry small bow and short Shi.The Suo Lu grain Ni imagines the longer than blitzkrieg of Mongolia riding of the son soldier and march forward speed astonishing, can march forward several hundred insides for a day, is a highest long distance ground.She knows that the horse is special mongols resources advantage.The horse is Mongolian production data and is their living data, is their pileup and are their battle tools.Mongolia troops discrepancy waters horse a milk, or slaughters sheep for the food.As long as having already provided horse and dumbs edible water grass, the mongols can be self-sufficient.Even if temporarily lack Ma Ru and mutton, can also shoot to hunt Be add.In the battle, Mongolia ride a soldier be depend on horse and dumbs to give to keep.But Mongolia ride soldier's good rider to shoot so much, plan Ma Ji inherit, at river river lake the in front seem to be a milli- useless.Genghis Khan when the west advertises for in a month the shipbuilding is 100, carry to Mongolia ride a soldier to pass through jotting down of Mo orchid river, just life at Mongolia the mongols of highland steppe and dry cold district in Siberia fear hot and damp, don't bear heat.This at attack and occupy south second, Southeast Asia a take of battle in rear beyond doubt.In numerous animals, the Indian has special feelings to the elephant, the Indian calls elephant for admire.In Indian's eyes this kind of animal is strength, intelligence kind and genial good symbol.Has been tamed the elephant person's training to control, the elephant became people's good friend.The elephant dint is big endless, and again can tame to turn, if line up an elephant on the battlefield will rise ever triumphant effect.Elephant and horse can match with very good, the elephant horse fights shoulder to shoulder, there is elephant opening a way, the horse can charge and break enemy ranks;There was a horse to assault, the elephant could hurtle to kill to trample.Elephant soldier the row flagman is secondly a cavalry, chariot soldier and infantry.When Genghis Khan went into a soldier there just when midsummer, the summer heat was pressing, Mongolia the soldier lost will to fight, but India soldier accustomed to to this kind of weather.The summer heat is pressing, Mongolia troops went to count inside road, feel the absolute being of asthma is tired, the sweat flows not only, hot can not march a battle in many soldiers.This makes the soldier immediately lose will to fight.But India soldier accustom to to this kind of weather.Mongolia ride the vehemence and fighting strength that the soldier didn't maneuver to gallop about on the plateau lawn any further on this land in India.
Chapter 42

"After the mother, you are just thinking what."Receive an elder brother Related articles:

