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Before God ,to maintain five completely immortal element state ,to convert the pubic region within the immortal force ,by the golden power of proceed with, after the conversion to God in water Yuanxian force as the lead ,gold in effluent from power .
Then the fire wood aquatic life native gold, so repeatedly ,the Dantian in maintained a delicate balance ,then beginning to a five line power of quenching of yuan, make a child of God ,is from outside to inside cultivation .
relationresultAt this time,not only the night guards detachment cultivation and Yang ,pale clouds in the drink after washing spunk-water begin practicing ,Xu to unwilling to lag behind ,layout layers of defense immortal array ,confined array France ,endless charm book ,also at the close reading ,spirit into the pubic region .
Drunken breeze was bound force confine, can transfer in vivo magic without obstacles ,waited for a long time no see Yang night ,also can play magic power to practice .The recovery after the read rose ,practicing up twice ,moving very fast .
relationresultVientianeworld only eighteen devil without interference ,around, the immortal stone jade inexhaustible spirit ,fruit grass everywhere ,like in Wonderland ,just want to stay here and don go out .
relationresult...... , relationresultDoor!relationresultLordtemple door opens slowly ,Krishna to spaced exactly the same pace out of the house of lord .In front of the temple steps on the knee down to wash sink suddenly opened his eyes ,rather astonished Krishna closed the gates of the house, the sun falls in heavy tank ,meadow .
relationresultAt this time,five lines of the valley are full of wooden shacks ,the ground spread all across in confusion with lodging cut crude long wood ,was summoned by the genii driven possessed slaves are repaired magic building residence ,was busy as a .
On the hills around countless shadows dealings in flying ,the immortal stone Lingyu ,looking for mineral smelting material ,all the people are busy, until a high-pitched abnormal voice : the Supreme Lord !Trinity adults .
. out .. ! , relationresultThefirst discovery of dark magic Xiu Xiu is not weak ,the sound of some shaking heaven and earth ,in the valley of unique environment echoing ,for a time, all the people are sluggish ,then four ,rushed to the prince ,and saw the dark Trinity adult standing heavy pool .
relationresultTrinity ! Break rolls of Mozun enthusiastic shouts ,the other three Mozun also quickly stepped forward to salute him .relationresultleader? Krishna in language memory to find this kind of language ,asked .
relationresultThe fourangel one, although not know death .Why asks, but already knows. Can only bend ,answered : yes ,death . , relationresultKrishnapaused ,intelligent system rapid will humanitarian programs in the life of the production class data into ancient text ,and then find the fastest way to transmit information, culminating in the cultivation method of award of Indian law to initiation ,spirit will instantly stretch, a lot of information and data was instilled into the four prince in the knowledge sea .
relationresultPoorfour Prince did not dare to right inverse spectral adult telekinesis ,mind to show farming ,Takuda ,road ,irrigation ,digging ... .. Word ,more a picture of the complex structure of the picture is presented ,and light-headedness ,until the dark induction into the four Prince of mental state is abnormal ,the knowledge information empowerment transmission to temporarily stop .
relationresultFourPrince and pranayama ,the mind suddenly from a large knowledge is a hundred times when, hear spectral adults said: the dissemination of advanced knowledge ,improve the backward appearance ,is your chief responsibility ,in line with the spirit of humanitarianism in the universe ,as the Chinese National Goodwill Ambassador ,I will be there and the outer planet behind life community go hand in hand ,create a better future .
, relationresultFourMozun was dumb as a wooden chicken ... .. Death you say .. what are the ah .. !relationresultThe second chapter six on the mystery , relationresultTimeslowly passes, in a minute ,in a day of January ,in the year ten years quietly flowing ,but also irresistible flow away .
On the night when he Yang et al practice ,months of loss also like Pronto ,and for the discipline of the people, this time it is not worth .relationresultDo not knowhow long the night passed ,Yang Dantian has happened change turn the world upside down ,God the body in pieces nourished by let the divine is trickling streams in the Purple Palace flows in the cyclotron ,Jin Mu fire and water soil in five and has perfect together, forming and Krishna practice spirit force extremely approximation of the five powers ,and is now being tempered soul ,accumulate raise a child of God ,at the same time ,silver armor is also such as purple condensate five lines power dip mixing ,and slowly infiltrated the change every grain of small molecular structure .
relationresultDuring this period of time topractice, Yang night in conversion cultivation method was briefly woke up several times, the gods wish to know the sea of awake is absolutely unable to move ,however ,Yang night or diverting a gods wish that circle ,check other people cultivation condition .
Their practice is the most successful ,whitening elixir to power conversion is very smooth ,no astringent because of feeling ,which sit cross-legged Dharmakaya is blue bright, has apparently practiced till power hardening body .
While the pale clouds and a step is slowly ,the immortal strength is not so Yun Shen fetal especially hard, from time to time to pause to absorb vitality world or to compensate for the loss of the Xianshi ,but are cultivated for many years their tough generation ,slowly but steadily ,and does not have the radical state .
relationresultDrunken breezewas Yang night loosen seal ,however ,but to confine in a top of the Lingshan, it is now practiced God record key moments in any case ,the scourge will not let him out .
Subsequently, Yang night also immersed in the unconscious trance-like state ,unaware, that Heart Sutra in soundless and stirless automatic cultivation ,not only will grow more slowly and gradually increase ,the expansion of knowledge of ocean space .
relationresult..... , relationresultAsto the magical night ,Yang et al have close to the realm of chaos ,the divine power ,also known as the chaos force ,but between heaven and earth is omnipresent ,all-embracing true to a large force ,therefore ,to power as the base, can cast Sally magic Buddha realms in any kind of method formula .
In the world to practice God record ,but the Immortal King ,supreme Buddha ,spectral realm .The Supreme Lord Wei inverse Tao created this set of five lines of the magical book can make a order of ascetic practice, although it will make make God fetal to collate broken heaven ,do not step out of God through the void, soaring last step ,but also let Yang Yeyou against too mystical foundation .
relationresultButthis is only basis ,with Yang Yeling fairy realm of practice ,plus dozens of gold elixir into power ,still can match and the prince ,but the magical benefits a lot, no matter where ,even in a fight during, this aura ,vitality ,star power ,strength ,sun and Moon Magic force ,are everfount into power,beats by dre studio hd, is a child of God kept inhalation ,will not have weakness of worry, just as is the anomaly in a busy day too ,but also in the continuous cultivation .
relationresult..... , relationresultDo notknow how much time has passed ,Vientiane world first practicing complete is one ,the child of God is God ,can peep SG ,Bi Yuan Xian rod in the Related articles:

