
cheap beats by dr dre Kai then asked

Rows of browsing , looking for the lost cattle ,looking for the missing cat ,find the missing draging car ,... ... Search ,search ,search for the missing goods ... ... To find the missing ore .
.. ... ! Well -- !The disappearance of the minerals ?And look behind has found five or six ore loss event ,the original mine ore material was often occur ,but the five or six ore loss are the same ore R diamond mine ,it would be interesting, I do not know and spatiotemporal energy anomaly related .
Will a few mining locations down I leave the terminal to the union reception hall . How to find something useful ? I asked Chinguja to see .A few .Let go . How to go, you want to directly to the gates and the defenders trouble guy said ,open the door ,I am going out of town ? He M Ness city and ancient city in city periphery has built high walls ,from land import and city can only rely on only a few gates .
Rest assured in mysterious ways can be out of town . I patted the shoulder Xin quaint . The use of out of town a secret passage ?Each of the one hundred gold coins ,most one hundred people, you want from a secret passage out of the city, or a few days of the battle ?If successful the next five or six days will be over .
Guess I can union employee said .Wait a few more days ?Outside the playing way, wait a few days would only air port and trade unions can stay here ,accommodation to spend money, rather go out of town ,but if not successful if the AI Facheng battle also don how long the lights .
take the job to search for the missing ore task ,I do not know whether anticipatory task commission to offset the costs ? Labor unions over my in the Galactic union of the relevant information and records and says: can be, but your task completion rate is too low ,we must advance guarantee to do .
Guarantee gold ?How much ? In accordance with your union credit at least one hundred gold coins . It is one hundred gold !No less a bit ? This is the least . Hesitate I still ask Xiao open to borrow money, can you lend me some money ? Xiao Kai ignored me ,only connected to the staff asked : imperial coins ? Collection ! Employee nodded , yuan cashing a black brimnes gold coins ,to pay the credit card please .
He pointed at the union side of door automatic credit card machine . Ten percent interest ,remember me . Xiao Kai side swipe ;while speaking . The best to change a little cash, other small towns only gold ,silver ,copper ,no credit card machine .
I screwed up his face and said .Trade unions from the secret passage to AI method outside, Tewode see I face the face don suffer the face, not a few money what ! That guy is not worried about the money !You see here is the wilderness ,that boy sure do not know where to edge away .
Forest Holt at the front covered with erect grass field road . Ha -- !How can ! I am making fun ,at the same time with his hands under the direction of said , Ai Facheng behind us, there is the east side of North ,we bypass the AI Facheng straight towards the west can go to another city law Kesilan ,yes ! Mouth said but what is lack of confidence .
Ai Facheng there is west !Are you sure .Xiao Kai from behind the backpack with a compass saw asked . Well -- !It is cloudy today it is hard to say ! By dawn a ask me not sure .
There goes to the AI Facheng can indeed to the law Kesilan ,but if we directly forward ,the left ten times . !# $ % !The wrong direction ,say so ,why equivocate !All right. Let .
Heart angry ,I take the lead in opening times of weeds and go forward .Wait. Also did not walk a few steps will be forest Holt shout . How ? I turned around and asked . Heimu ness to just to go home ,so bad reasons then the other ,now is it right? Can give us your true purpose .
The real purpose ?!This ... ... ! Say !What if something happened to us or prepared . See I Tewode shilly-shally urged . This I do not want to put you in the middle of ! Don us in the middle ?!You hired us to protect you ,don say we can be up to the commission .
Xin quaint not willing .Xiao Kai then asked : is it right? You just to the right direction ?You want to find in He M Ness ?Not and those lost ore have relations ?As far as I know, He M Ness is most others steal but the two kinds of ore ,one is the Q level gold mining ;one is the R diamond mine .
Q white gold of high value but at most to do an ornament ,and the R diamond mine can extract high purity energy ,when I was in Niki Jacques had seen them with the R diamond mine energy to drive the temporal transfer device ,and this is about ? .
.. ... !You guessed, I did not say . He told this matter belongs to military secrets don ,but is known to open their guess ,I don keep something secret . What is the matter, He M Ness is said to have abnormal spatiotemporal energy wave ,I am afraid endanger star safety so it came back to have a look .
Oh -- !Say he resembles a savior ! Xin quaint teasing said ,this boy recently seems to like and I don how to temper ,chance you get hurt I .I frowned : effort only, now, is it right? It can start ? �� �� �� high priest !The Empire was already aware of our actions ,their special action group have reached the black brimnes .
There were many people? Directly under the emperor Imperial Security Department sent two men to ,the prince sent twenty-one to be trained with regularity . Well -- !The prince sent so many people come to ,it seems that he is imperative .
According to the plan ,the other let those guys up ,give me good warning to have what difference later I want them alive . Yes ,the high priest ,... ... Fu-en anything else ? The high priest of adults, I think to make provision against a rainy day ,cheap beats by dr dre,you see whether to recruit some loyal followers to help? loyal followers to help? Do you think He M Ness will be faithful to our idols out of no ghost expelling religious ? The high priest .
... ... . En Fu didn how to answer it .Forget it. You do it ,we do need more people to get intelligence . ,our leader adult resurrection ,those unfaithful person will be punished .
En Fu then turned and left .Located from the forest in the valley now was generally lose one ,originally covered with bushes weed Valley has been up the formation .Flat annular metal walls will be a prismatic four corrugated spires around ,dressed in Khaki uniforms in the steeple debugging installation of electronic equipment .
Due to the close and ninety degrees of the steep rock formation in the tortuous terrain blocking ,if not by aircraft flew into the prismatic spire is above, is very difficult to find the valley facilities .
, relationresultThe 140th chapter relationresultNo human habitationin the field ,come all right all the way except grass or weeds ,if not know when common compass more positive direction ,would probably be lost . Related articles:

