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Grievance all sees the decision of battalion commander adult."Li Wei raises bugle again, is again an urgent bugle call for fall-in.
The facial expression of battalion commander Wu solidifies and foolishly sees toward the small plum, this boy hair what crazy, does the Zha blow second run again.
"It more is to make people surprisingly, more probably take place."Li Wei smiled to smile, the first time was a drill, purely a present for the second time.
Just Anne bears of two camp each the dormitory that connected a brigade fell into one disorder again, each the government troops for connecting almost connect think that dead hearts all had, this small plum still let to made people go to bed not, even if took a camp department of still square treasure, also need not tossed about a person like this.
"Ha ha!Your boy!"Wu Er's battalion commanderses are absolutely a bit in distress situation, time Ma Qiang of the small plum lets iner most distressed emergence of the government troopses of two camps the field is at the school up.
"Our targets are:Rapid reaction troops!"Peep out a white tooth in Li Wei Zui, will soon arrive for the sake of coping with of 51 greatly clean up, the training like this is essential.
Two battalion commanders turned over a cold stare:"Hold!The university student is the new terms that likes to be a little more whole to make people don't understand."As long as also toss about with this boy for promoting the fighting strength of two camps up, serve as soldier to fight even died to all be not afraid of,dr dre cheap, also feared that this tosses about?!
Li Wei suddenly the raid type training surely stir two camp top and bottom burned, various each kind piles up one after another of drill, the training item of troops is getting more meticulous, pack training, quickly transfer training, be attacked training, anti- hold for ransom training, especially cope with various true war that meet an emergency a surprised circumstance and practice, usually several sexual connect the brigade beat and offend and defend a war each other, from peacetime the battlefield assassinate, in addition to gunning and defense, once was thought to want many basenesses have much mean, many loafers having the battle methods of many loafers is all taken go into offend and defend and practice in, this type of take and have up the soldier fell and strive for of battle method because is practical effectively, but be widespreadly accepted by the warriors, ignore the sun recruit still the Yin recruit, as long as can obtain victory be well recruit, take and have unclearly modern battle the training of consciousness makes two camps obviously appear variety and has peace of mind and rests and livings and keeps an interest in other troopses, Ao Ao call shout and want and put together big battle and puts together malicious battle and compares with devil, the atmosphere of two camps is more a bit silent, leisure quiet if place son, conserve strength and store up energy, move quick if take off a rabbit, move and withdraw a shot and kill necessarily and more, at any time anywhere, each warrior was careful to all the surrounding environment varieties and always kept warnning and had a little bit action to immediately do military tactics defense and saw the person's visions are all crests of relentless, imitating the Buddha has to see through person and be rich with offensive vehemence and even occasionally let the minority permeate into base like the similar wolf enemy from think to expose, result panic feet drive grasp just wear, certainly, if can remove the crowds often and complain the look in the eyes of two camp warriors fearfulnesses and is frightened to death in addition to the doll of oneself, this kind of train the mode is more perfect.
At the end of January, 1942, that leaves New Year's Day time that leaves still and has half for many months, for canning lend autumn greatly the period of refusing to budge of many both parties of enemy after cleaning up, the common people of base actively prepare and plan year goods and like through the year of rare equanimity.
Although leave Chinese New Year Be getting nearer, Li Wei take the warrior of 1 class and a few classes at the time constitute a row, left the barrack of two camps carry on so-called"try to do", say white be open rule against killing, new soldier egg son just entered two camps, haven't killed devil, didn't see the warrior of blood how go together with call warrior, pull a few new soldiers proportion more, and character also some bad class of after camp department lead of approval after, together accompany set out, "try to do" row is roved around to a base edge wait for an opportunity seek devil open do, don't visit the scholar house visit a shot brigade zero knock ground dozen, a day also don't drop a few enemies, with each passing day accumulate down of the war spins is also very considerable number, some kind of economicses after Li Wei theory of lift order after, originally still bitterness sigh be "banish" have no the opportunity beat big battle of the warriors immediately resumed a spirit head son, sometimes the persons humiliate person more the little felling is also very good.
This time the slogan of new soldier"test" be:"Fire away devil, return to camp for New Year's Day, fight for one person to polish off more than two enemies."
Pull a troops while following the guide line of common people, averted from an enemy main region, found out a few devils to order, organize to break vegetarian fast.
This time come out, not only only there is new soldier, also state language Fan waits to battle an experienced and old soldier with the brigade protection, for get be pass to spread to help to take in the true war, make these new soldier the quick maturity get up.
"Noticing is concealment!The everyone takes aim at a target!Have never orderanied to forbid to open fire, like, start getting into the position of battling."Li Wei hands over to finish treating to battle a task, assigns the enemy's annihilation task inside the base to the individual, then issues order dispersion and gets into the status of battling.

Section 244
Their battle targets are a small scaled advance guard base of the Japan's Imperial Army whom at most only 23 squads station this time, to Li Wei individual, this fights a task to incline toward a game more, under the circumstance that have beat fully don't defend, the old soldier of literally a class can easily fix and be in the light of to kill the chicken is used cow knife of principle, Li Wei and some old soldiers assigned to battle in detail task, strictly emphasized safe regulation.
Try to do row inside three connect two row 4 classes have a dizzy blood of expressing at ordinary times, connect kill the warrior that none of a chickens dares is on the battlefield on the scene zero be apart from to face livingly bloody tore to kill, stare blankly is give force personal character explosion, red and red fix attention on bead son,http://www.monsterbeats-ol.com, only wear arm simply and use engineer corp's spade abruptly of split two devil soldiers minced meat, in a row several days of true war, which afraid is again the timid warrior is in the first time after seeing blood, will also break forth a crary war idea.
The environment accomplished a person, the army camp was to most can toughen the person's place, again lousy residue Zhang also ability 100 chains become steel, in seeing the battlefield of true chapter, the sheep will also shake a body a change the tiger of cannibalism.
When the night view cent head before lately old soldiers of "try to do a row" lend dawn got into to attackstone battlefield, the false soldier sentinel of military watch tower inside the base still had no feel, a few old soldiers have already sneaked in base, they irresponsible attack task, the thermodynamic power that serves as in the combat to clear to have threat to the new soldier ordered, the battlefield care like this would gradually cancel with new soldiers growth.
Base outside a Yan fire takes red of flame straight up sky, deep-fried rise one regiment spark.
Base outside immediately gun voice the your work is beaten the false soldier sentinel receiving be soon carried by new soldiers the very steady rifle beat Tan at Shao up, fall into one disorder inside Japanese soldier and two squads false soldier dormitory of a squad inside the base,Beats By Dre Justbeats, have no a head fly confused be covered with clothes, trailed a gun to hurtle out, but at this time, the new soldier who be responsible for mounting sudden attack has already turned over fence and jilts a hand a few hand grenades to seal the house door of devil dormitory.
Be beaten handle don't defend of under the circumstance, the false soldier is scarcely canned seek a quasi- attack to come from where, knows strange make the ghost Hao write to flee indiscriminately everywhere.The scheme seeks a corner of safety, but is soon tried a burst of and disorderly gun of the warriors of doing the row by eight road soldiers to knock down many false soldiers.
Drink to scold in the Japan's Imperial Army's squad strong dint under, leave a ground of false soldier to have no again dare to run about aimlessly, helpless of lie prone on the cold and nipping jelly soil, narrow body as far as possible, reduce to play area, the facing the sun soldier squad takes side.
The sneak attack in initial stage converts offend to defend a war, both parties beat according to the geography carry on interactive match combat.Be responsible for a lord war of eight road soldier new soldiers only while just opening hostilities of in addition to the momentary strain, in addition to still seeming to be a little bit childish on the military tactics usage, fighting the medium performance has already seemed to be very calmed and steady and calm down, and eight road soldiers new soldiers compare after numerous trainings and military tactics true war performance after practicing, the enemy seems to be a bit helpless more, the false soldier ground combat decision isn't prosperous, however relatively has and threatens Japanese soldier and then seems to be some backs and moves on the number and the thermodynamic power to new soldiers, and usually drive false soldier interference fight the stanza cook
Take brigade old soldiers spot to point out on the battlefield bottom, new soldiers performance makes Li Wei's equal satisfaction, also have to ballistic judgment and dodge of bullet some not mature.Basically deal with these remnants enemies.There is no old soldier in taking the offensive an efficiency so breeze book the cripple cloud sort is sharp, but also is to stay on the safe side, don't be eager to begging.Gradually encroach upon battlefield, the annihilation enemy of a per has already livinged strength and chases the control of fighting prison in the rhythm prison in hand and be like a Related articles:

