
Beats By Dre Justbeats ped onto see a circ

, The under charge that also there is Huang Hua Yu, this"Huang Hua Yu" happens to be it with son, Huang Hao, disorderly, 2 people are killed, their subordinate also drive Bao big Chu the big part controled.Only water of Fu Qing observes circumstances far from good, quickly take a daughter to run to the this place of Long Meng Yao.
Original control wharf of is Long Meng Yao's under charge, Bao big Chu Tu starts revolt, the guard of wharf kill of clean.The large winch Nu of wharf, soon drive Bao big Chu's waiting person to capture , on the wharf in nowadays, is all big Bao Chu's person everywhere.The guard that occasionally has 12 caltrop continents appears, the moment is made track for to kill of drop to go in the lake.Yellow turban water Kou of caltrop continent, surely the real strenght isn't weak, but Bao big Chu wait a person Tu start revolt, Long Meng Yao and then is concerning the affair of the Peng Li water soldier in the lake, be incredibly drilled empty son by the other party, controled to gather righteousness hall neighborhood.
Most of yellow turban water Kous all withdrew the neighborhood of egret rock, originally is gathering the servant and maidservant of the neighborhood of righteousness hall, then all withdrew backmost lake light rock, there is a caltrop continent the base finally, stored a great deal of food and supplies.Although the guard of caltrop continent suffered a los, they soon respond to come over and built up a defense line in the egret rock, at the same time, from the guard that each place comes to increase to aid, also successively get here.
Bao big Chu waits person to control wharf, in the wharf there established a temporary conductor department, moderated to attackstone an egret rock.Li Rui Yuan died, the Ge Mo died,beats by dre, Bao big Chu has to do-it-yourself judgment.Chiu exhibition white he still doesn't put in the eye, therefore Chiu exhibition white husband and wife can beside beat to start.At their is nearby those large winch Nus.Luckily, those winch Nus are fixed, the angle of gunning is limited,dr dre cheap, they can not adjust to turn to come over to deal with caltrop continent, otherwise.Egret rock top ground Long Meng Yao will bother big.
Long Meng Yao towards big Chu of Bao to loudly say:"Bao big Chu, you ascend of my island, but do one affair like this, is have already lost righteous!"
Bao big Chu didn't answer and just shouted command circumferential water Kou continuously upwards blunt, those water Kous didn't know to get what promise, attackstone really badly now actively, in a short while of time, all of the surroundingses of egret rock were enemies.Arrowhead continuously of from the Xiang imperial concubine bamboo in project, the arrowhead shoots on the rock.Send out the voice of the Pa of Pa Pa.Arrowhead of breaking, from nearby flying of Long Meng Yao over, but he even the eyebrows didn't jump about a half bottom.
The facial expression dark of Long Meng Yao speaks slowly a way:"He is unkind I not righteousness, carry on backstroke according to the characters plan in sky,Beats By Dre Justbeats!"
Long Chun Hao eager to have a trily says:"Want to transfer warrior dragon?"
Long Meng Yao says:"It isn't worried.Let Long Ge and horse be leaped onto, see a circumstance to say again!"
Long Chun Hao mercilessly orders.Go in quick time.
Affair today.The idea that completely comes from owner anticipates, the person of caltrop continent, having never thought the wedding will become a warfare.Bao big Chu didn't thought of, the Ge Mo was mortal and ambiguous, Long Meng Yao incredibly dared to begin to catch Li Rui Yuan, if Long Meng Yao squeezes a knowing secret to Li Rui Yuan, and he thoroughly doomed.Liu Ding then didn't thought of, clock's spreading incredibly didn't make a sound of thunderclap pond landlord idea, send the Peng Li lake water soldier raid boundary.A chain ofly the surprised intertexture is together.Made by fermentation to disorder unbearable situation currently.The Peng Li water soldier in the lake will arrive at any time, but the caltrop continent still wants to struggle hard with Bao big Chu, it happened that seem to be not to close Liu Ding's business now.
A short moment after, surroundings of yellow turban water Kous all received an order and started ordered arrangement defense line.Long Meng Yao is the reserve that carried on with meticulous care to the geography here of, is very beneficial to defend, consequently.Bao big Chu's ground is those water Kous.Want to come up from here, have to cost more energies.Both parties' combat.In the egret rock around carry on.Long Meng Yao's under charge pushes aside some special rocks, the underneath from the rock embraces to greatly tie~up to greatly tie~up of arrowhead, arrows rain down thick and fast.Still have those impossible to effectively guard againstly sarcastic remarks, is most desperately, often behind project an arrowhead from the rock, have a water Kou to fall flop right away.
This kind of gunning that appears and disappears mysteriously, let take the offensive a ground of water Kou is very angry, hence they continuously toward rock back, bamboo grove with the Nu arrows back open fire, the Nu arrows shoots on the rock and sends out the voice of the Pa of Pa Pa, the Nu arrows once wore from the bamboo grove, but sent out the voice of the Sou of Sou Sou and beat a bamboo bamboo to continuously drop down at the same time.In the bamboo grove, often spread to bellow a voice, don't know as well exactly is which square of the arrows in the person fall on the ground, shadow of human figure anyway rock, it is all just about to look.
Have two very special young men by this time arrived at Long Meng Yao of nearby, the vision brightly stares at the battlefield of underneath.The saying them is special, not because their outward appearance, but because their characteristic, their arrival, let Liu Ding have already grown instinct of dangerous of felling.They not that have hostility to Liu Ding, but say the ability that they may resist to Liu Ding's existence, it happened that two of them's eyes, don't notice Liu Ding's existence.
These two qualities very young tiger fierce young man, one is called Long Ge, one is called Ma Yue, is exactly the Jiao Jiao of warrior dragon's troops.Ma Yue seems to be very of cruelty, the corner of mouth side seems to be forever to take an in fine threads cold of smile an idea, use of is a very thin wild goose Ling knife, the dress on the body also seems to be very simple, like is a just- gone ashore sailor.Long Ge but seem to be heroism a lot of, he not only the shape is robust, and neck up fasten a fresh and red silk kerchief, use of is a red copper knife, the back of knife is very thick, the whole knife is also very heavy, have a special feature most of is a red silk kerchief, fresh redly seem quilt fresh and red dye red and similar, far far ability one eye recognize out.
Liu Ding walks to Long Meng Yao to nearby say:"Long Dao Zhu."
Long Meng Yao lightly says:"What matter?"
Liu Ding hard says:"Do not know at under can help what favour?"Long Meng Yao rudely says:"The affair of caltrop continent don't need outsider to participate."
Heavily, Long Meng Yao points at Liu Ding and says chillily:"Long Ge, Ma Yue!Send to childe Liu lake light rock!"
Liu Ding smiled to smile to say:"Lord in the island is getting more polite ……"
However, his smiling face suddenly disappears.
The words sound didn't fall, Long Ge and Ma Yue already a left on rightly offending to come up, 2 people all crueltily want to hold tight his arm.
Liu Ding forward on jumping, the body just just fell to the ground.Suddenly and backward one Yang.
Long Ge wants to hold tight his ground a hand, quickly and forward, the result discovers Liu Ding incredibly and abruptly and incredibly and backward, his body momentary the control don't live, have to continue forward, from nearby sliding past of Liu Ding, hands' grasping of subconscious to Liu Ding's gusset.But don't put forth effort of place.
Ma Yue Di's action is a little bit big to order, not only didn't accept body, but also still stepped forward two, just may may stop.
They are two to just come up from the behind, didn't know Liu Ding's inside situation, therefore making moves didn't make an effort and had never thought to incredibly bring shame, the horse jumps of killed an idea to surge forward right away, turn round to mercilessly stare at Liu Ding, the Mou son of utter darkness like is eyes of wild wolf.
Liu Ding Man pays no attention of say:"Thank.I will walk by myself!"
Long Meng Yao but say:"Take down him!"
Long Ge and Ma Yues right away take out knife, a left a right, immediately ran over to Liu Ding.
The knife light is shining, Liu Ding doesn't dare the gist, avert from quickly and backward, he nearby and at the right moment fell an arrowhead.It be right away pulled out by him to consider as weapon in hand.
The arrowhead bumps the left side of the knife at the wild goose Ling.Immediately wild goose Ling the knife bump to open to the flank.
Turn an eye, the red copper knife follows to kill.
Liu Ding doesn't dare to use arrowhead and red copper knife collision and has to again back to open.
His back is a rock, backing to have no can back, Liu Ding get down on squating down, Long Ge's red copper knife chops down on the rock and follow get down on pressing, will split Liu Ding into two pieces.
They 2 make moves to in no case show consideration, where have what"convoy" ground meaning?
Liu Ding wrist whole body.The arrowhead has already gone to Long Ge's rib to descend, Long Ge's reaction is the also the quickest, take out knife to back to open right away.
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