
Beats By Dre Diamond several of our thin

, Where ,where ,hey .In chinese .Such time is nothing, and more powerful than I went ! Li Wei face was red red ,but still only telling the truth .relationresultThe 120division of the Secret Service Regiment and 717 regiment of each eye .
At the same time, pumping out air conditioning ,this kid is in the game is to show mercy ,or by this means ,estimated the game down ,not warriors were crippled ,the ten greatest tourtures in Qing Dynasty estimates now it seems to face .
relationresultMaybeLi Weiqi had the lead role ,and there are several soldiers active jumped out to perform several small programs ,to the foreigners with laughing .relationresultThis ,major Hart ,your hands are not good stuff .
We compare ,you know ,we here poor is very clean ,you should come from the United States ,with a lot of good stuff, for example Thomsen submachine gun ,right, bulletproof vests have no ,I see you a few soldiers dressed in uniforms .
You see we are dressed ,old, selling several of our thing, anyway you also do not participate in the battle ,nor what consumption ,just sold us well, back when the luggage can also click .
Li Wei started with major Hart and lieutenant Bruno and other American officers to spin yarns about ,anyway, the United States of america !Old has the money ,he does not kill them and who .
relationresultLi Wei wasa kick to the loaded B, poor ,poor equipment ,plus tsitseu vetseu ass not to wear ,to major Hart and others you confused and disoriented ,unexpectedly knocking to dozens of sets of uniforms and US-made weapons ,heard on the edge of the several heads a head explode sweat ,it is the devil in the village sweep now ,in order to win international support ,to the Americans to have enough time, this small plum was swept into the United States of America head up .
relationresultTheleaders also face ashen ,though they did not see a soldier of the revolution ,but a full of thugs to extort and racketeer with poor U.S. military mission on behalf of .
relationresultHatehis foot slap Li Wei from the United States military observation mission side opening ,but also think of stem but Li Wei, a few cadres arris is found an excuse to Li Wei from the American side out, hard stand on their side, it is wine and food with filling .
relationresultIf it were not forcadres are fast ,I American soldiers underwear will again come ,but Li Wei front just cheated on ,major Hart they awake ,mutual smile ,that this time with the Yanan foundation to all this can explain here ,this kid is simply what want ,all of them give up again, but Li Wei brought the trophy back exchange is also very cost-effective .
relationresultA goodtiger cannot support the wolves ,Li Wei could not resist cadres have a fierce fill bowls ,Houjinshizu wine burned soil pouring down ,while drunk into a pool of mud ,be laid aside .
relationresultHey ,if your hero, also want three bowl but kong . Alcohol battlefield responsible for several U.S. military cadres accompanied each eye ,both laughing .relationresultYananmilitary competition ended, the teams returned to their respective theater ,but competition staff did not disband ,but caught up ,during the contest every outstanding soldier experience and skills, and even soil solution, as well as in the team competition to record the valuable combat record ,bringing together the various elite combat knowledge through summary, was immediately printed combat manual to various theater ,daytime training ,night ,military competition after the teams have to learn other people advantages and strengths, also see their own shortcomings ,training to be a targeted ,everyone can find suitable for their own training method .
relationresultOf course,a few specialty talent and not included in the manual ,such as Qigong and the like ,who knows can practice on such as magic, staff also had a certain screening .
relationresultBack toa partition not long, three regiment began busy up rush-planting of rush in the harvest action ,in sorghum ,maize and millet and other grain harvest ,Japs in order to compete for food resources supply of the South fighting force ,gradually began to nibble and in action .
relationresultFrom theJapanese military mobilization perspective, the main combat troops were deployed to go quite one part ,but also a lot of equipment and the training of a number of hybrid brigade units ,and the Eight Route Army each race the harvest tug of war .
relationresultBecause of the mobilizationafter the Japs soldiers fighting force is weakened to a certain extent ,the three regiment to undertake a part of defense zone ,scattered and local militia ,in enemy territory be zigzag area protect local farmers harvest grain ,and assuring that a grain of food to the enemy .
relationresultA partition threeregiment and other units to enter according to the extraterrestrial in main grain producing areas to ,even approaching Japanese bunker defense line ,through military containment ,try to grab a little food .
relationresultAsthe protection of people and force ,the soldiers also have to shoulder the harvest farm work ,in addition to closely monitor the enemy sentry ,carrying a gun, holding a scythe ,or connected with the manual harvesting ,leaving a piece of curtain ,http://www.monsterbeats-ol.com.
relationresultInoperation, and even opened a grain collecting game prize is Li Wei from the United States !Old where flicker to Camel Cigarette ,which day took the first prize for a cigarette, which also smoked dry pipe with tobacco ,looked around ,and even leaves satisfied smoker warrior ,a great temptation ,and rumor has it that Li Wei had possession of a cigar ,do not smoke ,do take a cliffhanger ,how do not call a person to work hard .
relationresultWiththe people in the side, busy harvesting old people is quite at ease .relationresultLi Wei laughedwith waving for blacksmith shop order long sickle ,nearly two meters long steel blade body with cold wave ,fall over a crop ,behind two or three farmers with fold down crops ,the out of the ordinary mass harvest company is only the Li Wei has a long breath metamorphosis can do ,according to Li Wei, if like others bent over a small sickle to wave ,will be able to get kidney ,or imitation of Western European scythe is cool ,with a day with a large squealing ,more efficient .
relationresultFan Guowen onlylooked at Li Wei in the West and death sickle as like as two peas giant tools behind ,the straight run ,in his eyes ,beats by dre,mad laughter in Li Wei equated to death ,as if cut crop but not the head ,every time a raised arc sickle blade body ,let him tremble with fear in one .
relationresultDistantguns upstairs Japs soldiers also look straight hair ,it looks like they captain Katana are not each other edge length ,if it in person .Then, it is estimated the terrible things .
relationresultBut thegun upstairs devils soldiers also can only swallow saliva watched the Eight Route Army wantonly rush in the harvest and food ,they are not people do it all ,as long as a gun ,estimation will soon be eight way are siege ,earlier has several causes the devil army officer by hand a little men with eight regular troops to dry, results in weak bit, half day even the turrets were ripped ,strong little sparrow and harassment by exhausted .
relationresultAnd now theJaps and puppet troops can nest in the strongholds, silent as a range outside of the old people and the Eight Route Army must be in full swing .relationresultThe sunsets in the west, but the farm remained calm ,Beats By Dre Diamond,lit the fire ,was a night shift work attitude .
relationresultThe 199th Festival , relationresultThe meeting ,the meeting ! Having just finished dinner ,a deputy commander Lu Zheng rushed with scattered off the soldiers shouted .relationresultIn the companyequipped with bugler blew the set number .
relationresultEachplatoon commander immediately move up ,a collection of commands ,the squad quickly fell in number .relationresultWith full Militaryfortitude breath sound as one falls . Related articles:

