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……Is gorgeous she ……"pity looking at to lie to move at the part also immovable gorgeous, double the eye turn on the faucet of Zha two lines of tearses'Ba Da Ba reach'of downwards drop ……
"Teacher, you too strain ……gorgeous don't die, just fainted."The Qiao son smiles to say towards crying how sad pity.
"?!Really?Ha ha ha~~~~BE I too concussion ……"pity climb to arrive at gorgeously and nearby and see gorgeous indeed as expected to still have breath, then know that oneself decided too arbitrarily, hence ashamedly break Ti but smile ……
The this a moment Qiao son feels in the moment pity to have no the vehemence that the teacher should have, she is like a similar to oneself girl, useless give people a kind of'elder of'of distance feeling, all over send forth the alacrity that is shoulded have by the girl with naughty!!But the Qiao son turns heart a want to feel that she will give she that kind of feel in fact not surprising at all, after all pity and the age of fairy Di is look like unlike oneself is also mostly little ……can she started confusing again, why previous oneself don't can feel?The only explanation that is that she feels that kind of to conceal ……do not stay concealing of trace!!
Can again is why?BE what make her go to intentionally cover up her own true temperament?BE what make her have to make she become'mature',dr dre beats?That use'mature'go to armed oneself ……Qiao son of gush a lot of guesses and question in the heart, can she not knows again should from where rise again or how start to ask.
"The tears of fairy!!"Being pity to picked up her again is blue of the walk stick mouth read a way.Brandish to send out in the hand at the same time blue only of walk stick, for an instant the sky declines descend be like the blue light of fog water sort to order ……only order to fall at quickly sneaked in a body on empress of public body!!At'the tears of fairy'of under the help of the public beginning turn to come to in succession ……
"Is a hell here?Or heaven?How to disappear to beautifully hang up soul emissary?Or the angel of sanctity?"These are the first words that the Si diagram wakes up behind.
"Good heavens~~~~We why still together?Be like me this'docile'of person should with your dissimilarity'road'just to!!"The Si diagram points at own two brotherses strange call.This is his second words ……but his third words is then:"~~~~"
Is a miserably the interjection Si of the Li diagram drive two of his brotherses the sand dune in one feet Chuai, add a way at the same time:"This be we should strange matter~~~~"
The Si diagram falls after rolling a few falls ice nearby, again recklessly and blindly do of the folio has glacial fun:"Yi?!Ice, you also at~~~~That is here must be heaven~~~have a glacial place is my heaven!!"Then is a spoony to roll again saliva-like in shape ……
"Have not we died~~~~But if you think so dead words, I pour to help you, but I can not promise to send to you to you the heaven in go ……"the ice is an icy way.
"Ha ha ha~~~~This fun isn't funny at all ……"Si figure one face tightly and hardly smile apologetically.
"Like, everyone has no a matter I trusted …… the very between the cup and the lip Qiao son saved us ……" says the pity dynasty Qiao son is thrown to impassionedly smile."Still have.Was gorgeous to thank you to kill'the ground is evil'the Ao pull."Is pity to become overdo to toward gorgeous say.
"In fact ……" is gorgeous don't want to be greedy for an achievement, she wants to tell the pity person isn't what she kills, but the pity next words made her beat.
"Is you gorgeous you to know?In fact'the ground is evil'Ao's pulling is my personal enemy, I once swore in childhood if not expert hand blade personal enemy, that I would marry that as the person whom I revenge ……grow up I started worrying afraid the non- person that I marries, now then sky'the ground is evil'the Ao pulls dead at your hand I also had peace of mind ……"pity long loosenned tone to say.
"!!Teacher how late say?Early say that old man to is the words of your personal enemy, I tried very hard to also want to chop down him several swords ……"the cloth thunder jumped the way of gnash teeth in hatred.The shape that sees him is like very anxious to'the ground is evil'the Ao pull in his crevice between teeth let so much he the one mouthful bite dead'he'!!
However he nearby of the brothers pour pretty a heart pure belly to realize what cloth strike by lightning clearly is what idea, hence is bad to smile to dismantle a set of way:"Get~~~~You that dessert idea are we still not understand?You not just want to beat the pity teacher's idea ……"
In"right right …… you this small kind son Jue rise a bottom what I know that the fart that you think is a Shu, still song of …… don't think that the other people can not see clearly ……" heart viewpoint drive reveal the old face of cloth thunder cans not help one red, then the cloth thunder becoming angry from embarrassment roars loud 2 people:"You are two guys …… I put together with you ……"
Is gorgeous on listenning to pity and marrying the person who revenges for her to get a fright mumblingly say:"That not cheapness that you damn fool?"
"?!Is gorgeous, what do you say?"Is pity although can't fighting skill, the ear is still pretty sharp of she ambiguously hears gorgeous to say what ……
"~~~~I am saying so easy of make him die, is really cheapness that old ghost!!"Gorgeous breeze a turn doing is a right away'harms with enemy' of the shape say.
Just a finish saying gorgeous carries on the back an after feeling cool, turn round to turn head a to see, sees the Qiao son be still lookinging at himself/herself, take profound Mo on the face of smile ……gorgeous see didn't good of white Qiao son one eye heart in the way of Jiao Chen:"Good you Qiao son, think a joke, I is not, you also not miss me wasn't this you?Certainly also for the sake of myself ……but can't this meeting be unfair to is pity to have a little?Calculate, that dead haven't the guy already said?Feelings can not be threatenned with the thing ……if is pity to his interesting words her head quarter walk to arrive together!!Oh~~~~How to think of that you damn fool again?Hum~~~~~See I return to how to tidy up you and harm my load surprised be subjected to again afraid of ……"beg for see public already walk far gorgeous hurriedly catch up ……
But another two people in the desert are separated 100 meters an on every occasion of the station is over there, be quickly evaporated under 2 people's sweat at the hot sun ……"boy, don't you worry your friend?Perhaps they have already finished having fun ……"'the sword is evil'the evil heart toward a front similar to oneself an on every occasion and to the utmost show superior's manner of small compare to say especially.'The sword is evil'the evil heart is really small to this compare especially very with a revolting feeling, he can see the age of the other party absolutely can't over 30 years old, can the opponent performance come out of vehemence but with he is about.Miss he hard working hundred years, a heart delves into Wu Xue and pursues the state of sword saint, can who once thought in the end and incredibly with a didn't arrive 30-year-old child don't think a top and bottom!!So is his ability pleased?The answer is negative ……
"My friend how don't worry, I see you or worry that old man~~~" is small compare good-heartedly remind especially, although 2 people separate 100 meters, each other of voice float to concuss clearly to float into the ear of the other party.'If the sword is evil' evil heart certainly can't believe small compare especially, after all'the ground is evil'the Ao pull of real strenght he is knowing, and just that vibrating of mightiness he almost can break to settle that BE'the ground is evil'the Ao pull the trick-soil exceling most to fasten to forbid to curse'the mother's exasperation of the earth',http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com!!
'The sword is evil'the evil heart also has a little self-knowledge, he clearly knows to is him-the ten greatest swords one of the Yis of'the sword is evil'!!Also have no self-confidence can be red from that burningly surround next break through siege but.100 meters outside small ratio can really know especially of see'the sword is evil'the evil heart disdains to of facial expression, hence sneered at to say for a while:"You don't also not believe, did you just have already seen that silvery and long-haired and beautiful boy?Want ~only he is in that old man have no on the hoof of possibility ……"
'The sword is evil'the evil heart title looking at a small ratio especially, the eyebrows is tiny to tinily wrinkle up heart in be like at deliberate what nobody know ……
"Is carefree to put little say, begin~~~~Showing me to pass on a message is medium'world ten types'whether true of such as hearsay say so gains and losses."
"It is like what you expected."Is small compare pulled out the night month knife especially,cheap beats by dre, grip night in the right hand a moment of knife for month is small compare especially all of the whole individuals changed, his Xi makes of the smiling face disappeared, what to replace is a face of cold Mo, from his body inside send out of the Xiao kill Related articles:

