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Come, every two words seeing be dressed in Mongolia the person of the clothing don't say to is one knife, ignore he is a male is female, it is the old man's kid to also ignore him, as long as see do Mongolia dress up is a knife to chop down.Don't even pass the infants of ground in those Mongolia feminine bosoms!Keep chopping down full face the whole body is a blood, Yang Chen Wei still keeps roaring with laughter, "happy!Killing the Da son is happy!"----Say an after words, because of too the cruelty kill so much.Yang Chen Wei has no afterwards little get the batch of talking officer's imperial censor of Dou, just drive Gu old thief's dint's protecting just be not punished, the Gu old thief still flaps to have Ci of ride soldier's massacre defense in the Nanking road for Sung soldier, "is not the small Da son a Da son,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift Free shipping day green Monday?Grew up to as usual want to do ill Hahn people, kill a small Da son now, equal in the future save several 10 up to 100 Hahn people ground life.The female Da son livings small Da son, should also kill!The old Da sub- hands are stained with full Hahn people's blood.Is also should kill!"
"Da son kills!Traitor of China kills!Da sub- officials, kill!"Sung soldier rides a soldier to completely kill red eyes, every see tie a wreath ear of the person of double plait is a disorderly knife to chop down to kill, the Zong horse tramples a corpse.Afterwards Hahn people of the Lu mountain city inside see Sung soldier kill mongols the gradual courage is also big, many stations with active person come out to lead the way for Sung soldier, "Sung person soldier Ye, we know have Da son and color eyes the person there, we lead the way for you."Then Hahn people, who be already a long time bullied, get big Sung to ride a soldier to hurtle into the house of mongols.The mongols that will hide in the room disorderly knife chops down dead, big four search to pare off gold and silver wealth and properties.Have more many have the blood feud ground Hahn people to picked up wood rod fork with mongols, follow Sung soldier to assault a mongols and color eyes person together.These people start to kill mongols come more malicious, Sung soldier returns just disorderly knife cent corpse, they are after then holding tight mongols use various pattern of each kind slowly molestation dead----Is concrete what pattern not thin say, in fine use rock malicious pulverize an arms and legs joint to let the mongols live painful dead is the all the lightest.
The momentary kills a voice to bellow a voice to rise everywhere inside the Lu mountain city and still rode on the Hahn people's head to show off mongols and color eyes that the force spreads fame in the morning person to thoroughly once become a street rat.Can see the flesh and blood that they be left behind by Sung soldier and the ground corpse of Hahn people common people cripple everywhere piece, can see tie everywhere the mongols skull of the wreath ear double plait rolling around on the ground and being stained with full blood stains,Beats By Dre Holiday Gift.One and other mongols and color eyes person's house rise thick smoke, but only could not have 100 mongolses in the Lu mountain small city, again how can let to kill red the Sung soldier of eye ride a soldier to give vent to anger.It is that personage to don't know can not find Sung that the mongols kills the soldier shouted a , "have traitor of China there?Get us to go to?"Then new one kill another beginnings, one and otherly Hahn people the landlord family is without restraint broken by Sung soldier Chuai, dashes into massacre, among them current elephant China master so deserve it of iron pole traitor of China.There is also Hahn people's rich family that the innocence dies.While waiting until the Cao a life time male ground main force to go into the city to issue order forbiding.There has been more than 2,000 persons pouring at pool of blood in----Revenge of kill of heavy, even exceeded to issue order the imagination of Cao a life time male oneself ……
"You."The Cao a life time male points the station of honesty in the blaring Gao of in front and Yang Chen Wei.Wishing Xun to scold but again can not open, can give a deep sigh a , "kill too heavy."The assistant of the flank Cao a life time male Wei the Chang say right away:"Cao general, not the ability is two strange generals, Mongolia the Da son kills people an innumerable in the Nanking road and owes under the clusters of blood debt, they are to revenge heart to slice to just do so."
"I didn't blame him, be just ……."The Cao a life time male originally means to say what but sighed to at a stretch shut up, transfer a topic way:"Have in Lu mountain county how many foods?How much do other results have?"Gao Ming is polite to answer a way:"From currently control ground database building to see, about have more than 3,000 stones.Pay to get destrier people's more than 500s horse, the number of gold and silvers still too late statisticses.""The gold and silver didn't statisticses, the gold and silver in the authorities made the soldier of advanced city divide.Other soldiers, let them deliver a wealth in the city even if, however prohibit in the folks to rob the life necessity of these common people of food and cloth."The Cao a life time male is just and still putting blame on Yang Chen Wei and Gao Ming to kill too heavy, this meeting but under reached the order that robs in the folks----The last beam falsely descends beam slanting be from here and since then, again order way:"Take 500 stone food(Sung about more than 46,000 catties) and all horses, all of other foods burn down."
"General,Beats By Dre green Monday, not does the cent give Hahn people and common people?"A Hahn people will get an asking of oddness way.Cao a life time male once eyes turn over, "the cent give Hahn people and common people, wait Da son to come back again from the Hahn people's hand in rob?All burn down, anyway the landlords be all killed, confiscation in the farmland mows of farm goods natural someone harvest.Still have, Mongolia the troops' soldier dress collections get up to take, probably we in the future still need to disguise as soldier's activity Mongolia.Take a rest in the city for a night, tomorrow continue to go up north."
On the second day, at Lu mountain city in malicious searched to pare off a Sung soldier to ride a soldier to go up north to set out, because large-scale raid Lu mountain affirmation will drive Mongolia the soldier discover, the Cao a life time male issues order the whole army speeds up and rob in the Lu mountain county city is spread by a ground news to assault along the road various town country to the front of the north.Lead of place, mongols, color eyes the person and Hahn people's landlord is a don't stay, all kill cleanly, big four loot their ground gold and silver wealth and properties and horse food, Sung soldier rides a soldier also soon from set out a contemporaries hand a war horse became 2 people's three war horses, even one rides a soldier to own two war horses and consumedly raises continuously rushing of Sung soldier to inherit distance and keep on war power, at the same time seriously weakened a soldier Mongolia at Nanking road ground war foundation, lead long to make Mongolia troops are also incalculabilities.But suddenly necessarily strong until eight day after, just know from move the report that Sung soldier rides the news of soldier thorough Nanking road inner part ……suddenly necessarily strong blame and scold the old thief of Gu to the criminal acts of the Cao a life time male in the head again this time, but great anger in suddenly necessarily strong still don't lack dispassion, soon guess that Sung soldier rides the purpose that the soldier goes deep into Nanking road, immediately order way:"Use a quick horse, use to fly a pigeon, notify Lian rare Xian, the Sung person has a rear of the side that rode a soldier to arrive them, it is very likely is hurtling what they go to, let them work well to prepare to squared."
"Big sweat there is also food grasses."The son is astute to remind a way:"Sung person if want to lead long to make a Lian rare Xian soldier, the most convenient way is the food grass impedimenta brigade that assaults Lian to hope Xian, Lian rare the Xian walk of Tong pass the road is right on the spot Huang Fan Qu, can not raise a food, if give that Lian rare the Xian transport food of the impedimenta brigade encounter raid, Lian rare the Xian can't continue to go forward."
The suddenly necessarily strong body is one earthquake, hurriedly ask a way:"Admire Dan Ba especially the Er get there?"Admire Dan Ba Er especially is to Lian rare the Xian transport under guard provisions for army of will get, so is suddenly necessarily strong to just have this to ask.The son astute Gong body answers a way:"The news three days ago, admired Dan Ba especially the Er arrived Zheng Zhou, calculate road, should have already led Luo sun."
"Too late give him the parties to increase to aid."Is suddenly necessarily strong to hate keep grinding teeth-if the Gu old thief stands on the in front, suddenly necessarily strong need not dip soy sauce and then can living old thief of Gu to eat.Is helpless under, suddenly necessarily strong have to an order of way:"Also give to admire Dan to expect the Er is a news, let him work well to guard against especially.Still have, orderany walking of Nanking road manager and reach Lu and spend red, let them adjust and gather troops, rode the soldier to that Sung person to put out at all costs, if a Sung person ride an on the hoof break out of Nanking of soldier road, I take the head number of their whole family!"
"The small monk follows instructions."The son is astute to promise a , and then sound out to ask a way:"Big sweat, Sung person thus and has gone too far in insult, we again not return the shot seem to be too weak, president of association Gu the way old thief's power and prestige.The small monk proposal agrees road Liu Hei Ma of Chengdu's plan and wants ~only his plan success, Sichuan greatly disorderly, Gu way the old thief by all means orderanies lake road in the city to increase to aid Sichuan, we at Nanking road south the pressure of the noodles will also ease a lot."
"Can."The old thief who is suddenly necessarily strong to hate Gu arrived into osseous situation, also attending to do so would thoroughly infuriate south Sung, order way:"Let Liu Hei Ma tell Liu Zheng, as long as he is willing to yield this sweat, match Liu Hei Ma's activity, this sweat seals him to walk manager and conciliation to make for the Kui state road, the man soldier is 10000, grant a silver 100002.Still have Liu Zheng son, can also seal to walk a vice-president tube for the Kui state road and pacify a pair to make, man the soldier is next ten thousand, grant a silver 5,002!In the future take hold of Yu interest family, all give Liu Zheng as Nu!"

The second winds and clouds faces Anne chapter 71 fan the way know to return
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